Derp's Holiday (Moriah Elizabeth one shot) Day 11

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It was the year of 2020 and Pickle the Dinosaur was super excited! Derp had awaited since Febuary for something like this, his first holiday. They finished their final video of the year, Derp winning as best squishy of the year, and watched as their creator left the room. The characters were finally alone. 

They all slowly got up and off the shelves they were on, landing on the desk below to hang out for the holidays. Derp didn't know much about this, but he knew there was food, so he was in. They lit some of Moriah's extra tee lights and began to socialize. Christmas time was really the only time they could chat with one another since Moriah was on her break and didn't really come into her art room. 

The first person that approached Derp, he immediately recognized. "Hey cuz, are you ready?" Derp got really excited, "I'm not sure what I am ready for, but I am so ready!" Pickled giggled with Fred coming up behind him, being followed by Grumpy Cherry Beary. "I can't wait to see what happens either!" 

Jolly Jelly ran up to them. "Well, it's different every year, but last year we were able to get a hold of some glow sticks and we played around with those." Peanut Bitter followed closely behind her, "You think everything is fun!" Eustis from across the table agreed with Shelly punching him lightly on the arm to get him to be quite. That is when Bert came out, he was usually the one who put together the fesivities. He had in his hands a kazoo.  He blew into it and out came the tune of jungle bells. Everyone, from the squishy ghost to Straw Beary to Baby Hampster came around and spent the night singing delightful carols together.

That night, Derp didn't want to go back on the shelf, not wanting to commit to another full year up there with no communication at all. "Derp, I'll always be right next to you on the shelf if you ever need me." Derp took a deep breath, hopping on the shelf next to Pickle to sit and watch Moriah at work for another year. 

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