Nutcracker Jingles (a Danny Gonzalez one shot) Day 9

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Danny was in his office, editing for hours for his Christmas movie review that he needed to work on for this year. It was getting late and he could feel his tiredness dragging him from where he could be. After a while, he blinked a couple times and his nutcracker turned on. The light was as bright as ever, but it wasn't plugged in. Danny went to go check on it, grabbing the nutcracker's hat to pick it up, when there was a great ache in his stomach.

Everything around him grew brighter and brighter till he has landed in a fresh pile of snow. He looked around, finding fields of Christmas lights and trees. All the houses around were decorated, chimney spewing smoke, the thick aroma of gingerbread filled the air.  

He looked around, trying to figure out what had happened when he catches the eye of a young boy. "Hi Danny! Welcome to my home!" "Who are you?" The boy jumped up and down, "I'm your little nutcracker guy! I go by Toby, but I don't mind you still calling me little nutcracker guy. Come on, follow me!"

Danny followed Toby through his little village, taking in all the Christmas joy, letting the stress that his work brings onto him fade away. Soon, Danny was taken to a large building. Candy canes lined the side walk leading up to a tall set of stairs, which had a nutcracker with a beard on top. He followed Toby to the top to greet this person.

"Hello, I'm the mayor of this town, Mayor Jingles, and I just want to be able to meet you and-" just then, guards have hang cuffed Danny, pinning him to the floor. "Wh- what the heck?" Toby came and stepped on his chest. "This is what you get for leaving me in the background." 

Then everything went black.

Danny woke back up in his editing room. He was really lucky that was all just a dream, but when Danny spun the chair back around, his little nut cracker guy was missing. He called up his best friend, Drew Gooden, to talk through it. 

"Hey, so what do you think I should do?"

"And, you're SURE this was a real thing that happened? It would seem like a stress produced dream to me. I can call Laura and she can help you. It would be better if there was someone in person to help you through this."

"No, I'll get her myself. Thank you though."

After a bit more chatting the conversation ended, but instead of getting Laura, he went back to sleep. He then appeared awake in a jail cell. Everything was stacked against him, but then he realized the jail bars were made out of candy cane and he can easily eat his way out. It was thick candy canes, but he was able to break out after a while. The guard on the end was asleep, giving him an easy escape. But, right outside the jail house, was the mayor. 

"Where are the guards? You're not supposed to be here!" Danny ran towards the major, pinning him down. "What do you want with me?" Danny asked. The major lost his words, but Toby appeared behind him and began talking to Danny. "You never wanted to do anything with me. You didn't even let me come to your million subscriber celebration." "But... I did? I reserved a seat for you and I wanted you to come, a lot! You said you were tired though and went back to sleep. Tri-pod even can vouch for me!"

Toby took a step back, "Oh, guess you're right.... Welp, that was pointless." And with that, Danny found himself back in his office, with Little Nutcracker Guy returned to his place. 

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