The Grinch's Christmas Past (a Grinch one shot) Day 10

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Christmas day has come and gone, the whos all over lowered their song. The Grinch, who was known for his holiday grouch, followed up by greeting Cindy Lou on the couch. He stayed with her family for Christmas day, and spent the night for tomorrow awaits. The next day was most boring as festivities ended, they put up the tree, decorations, and glorbal foo dendeds. The sweeped up specks and bread left nothing, but they, eventually, had to have something. 

This something, it was quite bitter. The Grinch, for the first time, had to feel the depression of January roll in. "Ug," the Grinch snarled with a sneer. "January's in a week, it's practically here!" The Grinch knew all would be sad and empty, so he must do something to make sure January has not entry. 

So he took a look at Whoville as a whole, seeing how the light dimmed and it was all dull. The Grinch knew just what to do! He went down to town for an hour or two and re put up the lights for the holidays, he gathered mints and chocolates for the socks of the ways. He went for a while at making the place look pretty, but what happens next is quite a pity.

The next morning, Whos small and tall, came and cleaned it up, lights and all. So he went to Cindy Lou Who, and asked her why? This joy was to good to pack away inside. Cindy pondered her words then pondered some more, and then said some words that has shook his core. "Well, Mr. Grinch. If Christmas happened all the time, it wouldn't scratch that itch! Christmas magic is year round, I know, but for it to thrive we let it grow." 

The Grinch thought of the special feeling the holiday brung and knew it was important to keep it to day one.

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