Isbelle's Day Off (animal crossing one shot) Day 30

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Isabelle was sitting behind her desk, getting really antsy. It was almost time! She rarely gets time off from her work, barely ever gets to leave the town hall, even. It gets boring and annoying, but holidays like the new year, give her a chance to go outside and have a break.

She watched as her clock ticked on, falling asleep slowly but surely that night. Soon, her alarm chimed, telling her it was the early morning of the last day of the year. She quickly shot up, packing up the hats and party poppers for her boss, Mr.Nook, to sell in the plaza that night. She had to wait till later to leave the office and every second of the day, felt like hours. 

She listened to the clock boom every second of the day, each tic and toc felt like a stab to her lungs as she gasped for air in her anxious body. This got her thinking of why this was so exciting in the first place, she was over worked all the time. She had to stay in the office, never going home. Making and reading announcements, taking all the complains, using her technology skills to chance the town toon and such. Mr.Nook sat and played video games or watched youtube most of the day since all he has to do for his job is conduct the island's finances, which, he could get done easily in a couple minutes at most. 

She was sick of this, so she decided to write a letter to her boss.

Dear Mr.Nook, 
I would like to write a formal complaint about the way work here is structured on the island. I never have time off to go back home and visit family or work on hobbies. I am stuck in the office doing every little thing for this island. I see you all the time watching youtube or playing video games, and I have been tired of this for a long time. Never said anything because I was scared that something would come of it, but at this point I don't care. You do the same thing to your human friend. They do everything for this island. Pay for inclines, pay for housing, do all the material work and such and get no pay for it. Infact, they pay you! It's too much. Don't think I can't beat you up over it either. If you remember, I was in the Smash Brother's line up. I've beaten Ganondorf, Donkey Kong, King K. Rool, and Bowser all in one day. A fat tanooki won't be anything at all. Sincerely,

Later, she was able to go out for New Years, and then sent Isabell an email saying he can take her job for 2 weeks while she goes back home and will pay for one bridge and one incline himself. She knew everyone will do what she says after learning to fight. 

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