Mango's First Christmas (The Click and One Topic one shot) Day 8

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        (this is my first time just basing a fan fic off a you tube or character with little lore yet, so here I go! Also, I am not really shipping Click and One Topic, because they ARE real people, but I do like the idea of them platonically *no homo* living together XD)

It was a bright winter day and Clicky was near the fire with One Topic. They sat there and scrolled through memes together, getting a kick out of all the dumb people of the world. The two were enjoying themselves, but there was still something missing, still a warmth that they have yet to be heated by. They wanted a pet. Yes, they had clicky kitty, but only when Click decided to get in his fur suit, but then Topicy Wopicy would have a pet by himself. They knew it was time to find someone special.

The next day, they walked down to the pet store by the sea side, trying to look for a nice puppy or kitty to call their own. Walking inside, they felt something bad oozing from the place. As they walked into the dog room, they have found that there wasn't a lot of cuddly boios. They were all angry and tired and scared, which would be expected from growing up in such a place, so the two grew more excited to help out at least one of them. They ended up picking out a nice brown dog with a black spot over his eye. 

They went to go pay for it, when they both realized that they left their wallet back at home. The guy working told them that there was a really great chance of the dog still being there with their return and they should just turn back to get it. As the two walked out the door, they noticed something rolling around in a wrapper down by the beach the shop was near. The two went down to help the poor creature inside. 

They got closer to the bag and saw it was a plastic bag for Delmonte mangoes.  They lifted it to find a caramel colored shark that was no more than the size of a football. The weirdest thing about this shark, however, was that they had little stubby legs to carry them onto the shore. The toe beans were covered with mango juice.

"Oh mer geersh! He's a little cutie! he'sgotdalittletoebeansandhessocutenandinoccent,ohyesheis!" Click smothered the shark with love as One Topic sat and watched, not amused with his friend's reaction. "Hey, Click. Don't you think we should take it home with us so we can clean it up?" The Click stopped the kiss that he was starting to put on the shark's cheek and stood up again to go home. 

After a while, they dubbed the species "land shark".  They sat, starring at it. It was clean now and it was fed, but they didn't want to send it back out to the wild. If the poor little guy got caught in another wrapper, he would most likely suffocate. Since they were already looking for a pet, the two decided to keep it. 

"Okay, Click. I can go out and get supplies while you stay behind and watch him. I figure we can put his name on the bowl, once we decide one. But, it seems his name is pretty obvious." "BEAN! His name is bean! He is squishy and soft and adorable like da beanz do!" One Topic sat, holding in a giggle to show a sarcastic grumpy ot face. "No, I mean Mango. We can name him Mango." The Click looked displeased, with his face quickly brightening. "MANGO I LOVE IT MY BABY BOI!"

Once Topic got back from the store, they sat back in front of the fire, cuddling Mango the land shark, finally feeling the warmth that they were missing, giving them a piece of heart that they wouldn't have otherwise.

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