The Nightmare's Chills (a Sanders Sides Fan fic) Day 18

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"Really, 2am? Why is it 53 degrees in my room?" Virgil was shivering, practically vibrating at this point. He couldn't sleep. He was too clattery from the cold. He walked to his closet to find his skeleton onesie and he put it on over the pj pants, short, and jacket he was already wearing. He then walked up to the thermostat to realise that he couldn't do anything because he totally forgot the "up" arrow stopped working yesterday night. This means, he would have to wait to get warm, or maybe not.

Virgil then decided to gather his pillows, weighted blanket, and his giraffe plushie and carefully walk down stair as not to wake the others. He stepped down each one slowly, he knew he could fall down easily, so he knew this was important. Virgil was then finally able to set the plush bundle on the couch. He was able to turn up the temperature in the living room. He cranked it up to 72 degrees and let the heat blast as he went to the kitchen to make some very warm hot chocolate.

Virgil grabbed his Nightmare Before Christmas mug and poured milk into it. He thought that water hot chocolate was a bit bland. He liked watching the milk pour also, things like that didn't look real. It didn't look like it was moving enough to be real, but yet it is. The white and the tone of the drink makes it look magical sometimes, which is crazy because its just milk, but he couldn't deny it.

He then grabbed a hot chocolate powder packet from the kitchen cabinet. He didn't like using the tear strip, because his shaky hands usually made it go everywhere, but he was okay with using scissors to get a straight snip and then dumping it into the mug, but he caught himself this time. He didn't dump in the powder just yet, but took the time to place in his mug so the milk could get warm.

Virgil originally set the microwave for 2:30. He looked at it spin and thought about how sick he would be after spinning that much, in that heat too. He was so glad food wasn't alive because that would be pure torture. Just spinning and spinning in that rapid heat just melting you from the insides out. Virgil didn't really want to think about it anymore, which he didn't have to because the sound of the microwave timer broke him out of his thoughts.

He forgot about what he was thinking about before and took the mug of milk out of the microwave, only to slide it right back in when he realised that it was still cold. He put it in for another 2 minutes, knowing that it would be overly hot and boiling. The microwave beeped again very soon with Virgil pouring in the chocolate package and stirring. The stirring was always the most frustrating part as it took so long for the powder to stop clicking together and actually doing its job.

Once the beverage was made, Virgil wrapped himself up in his blanket on the couch, finished off the cup, and then dozed off happily knowing that this Christmas Eve he was warm.

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