The Locket and the Whistle (a care bears one shot) Day 26

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Both Braveheart Lion and Brightheart Racoon loved each other very much, and they were happy living poor if they had each other, but, Braveheart wanted to get him something special. As he played his wonderful kazoo for him, Brightheart brought out his golden locket from his pocket and Braveheart knew what he would love. A chain for his locket to live on his neck forever more. 

He went out to the store, not finding anything within budget, but, he found this beautiful golden chain, so he gave up his beloved kazoo to obtain his friend's chain. 

He rushed home to his friend who stood, waiting for him. They were able to get gifts for each other! Not being able to decide who gifts theirs first. Braveheart got Bright Hear the chain and Brightheart got Braveheart a kazoo case. They looked at each other, knowing they each didn't have their special items anymore to afford each other's gift, but they had each other, so they cuddled on the floor in front of the fire, admiring the flicker in its flame. 

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