Here Comes the Boi (a sanders sides fic) Day 29

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Roman was in his room all snuggled in his blankets. He tried to get out, but he was too tangled from his tossing and turning at night to get his feet out of the covers, resulting in him just falling asleep again. Though he was late, no one even bothered to wake him up.

It was Christmas in the mindscape and everyone was in a hussel and bussel getting things done. They were all planning out their Christmas dinner. Patton and Logan were cooking, Janus was incharge of decorating, and Remus was running small tasks and errands for Janus while he was doing bigger things.

Virgil was in his room trying to mentally prepare for being around Janus and Remus for that long. Even though they have been brought down to their side of the mind scape a while back, he was still afraid. He connected them to bad things, the PTSD was activated at their voices. Although, he understood what it felt like to be shunned out like that, he.... just couldn't. Luckily, they understood and respected him for that.

Roman was supposed to be prepping for his huge performance. He liked playing things on piano or guitar around the fire after gifts as a sing a long, but he hasn't had time to prepare. He was going to do it last minute. This was now out of the question because it was now one o' clock when he fully woke up. He looked out at the sun, turned towards his phone, then realised it was 1pm.

He jumped out of his bed, falling to the ground face first because of his tangled blankets. How in the world was he supposed to get his hair done. THIS IS A 3 HOUR PROCESS AND HE HAD 20 MINUTES!

He knew that rushing his hair would just cause more trouble, so it would be best to stick to picking the *most* important steps and working very hard on those. He ended up being more late, spending an hour on his hair instead of the 20 he had to do it.

He quickly put on his sash, rushing out the door when he bumped into Patton. "Oh, hey kiddo! Did you work longer on your hair than usual?" Roman fell to the floor, making Patton panic in worry. "Kiddo, are you okay." Roman started crying, "Yes, Im fine. Just... Im a failure."

Patton looked confused at him, "Why do you say that, kiddo?" Roman looked up at him, "I stayed up all night working on something that wasn't even good, I forgot to practice the songs for today, then I woke up at 1pm and only spent an hour on my hair. I usually do 3 hours, but I was supposed to only go for 20 minutes and now Im late to the party."

The father figure lifted his chin up, "Well, if it makes you feel any better, we didn't start anything. We were waiting for you, that's why I came to check on you. Also, if you can't play, that's okay, but know your musical talent, you could pick up a guitar and play it anytime. It probably helps you have been playing these songs since you we're a child."

Roman perked up a bit, "Oh, I guess you're right. Thank you, Patton. We should head out there now, we don't want them waiting." They both got up and headed to the living room. Logan spoke up, "Oh, hey Roman. Are you okay?" Roman flashed a dramatic pose. "Of course! The Entertainment's Here!"

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