Christmas in Bones Burrow (an Owl House one shot) Day 14

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Luz was sitting in her room, scrolling through her gallery on her old phone. Since the human and witch calender's were different, she didn't even notice when her Christmas alarm started playing. It was Christmas day in the human world! She had no idea if there was a witchy equivalent, so she bounded down the stairs to see what Eda and King were doing. 

"Morning guys! Do you guys know if there is anything special going on today?" King and Eda looked at each other, trying to decipher Luz's excited nature this morning. "Tuesday?" King asked. Luz then realized that there was no witchy equivalent. "King, Tuesday isn't anything special GOING ON today, that is the name of today." Eda said, taking some apple blood from the fridge. "Well, in the human world, we celebrate Christmas! It's a holiday where we decorate a tree in lights, get each other gifts, eat plenty of delicious food, and sing carols!"

Eda looked down at Luz, knowing that she should do something special since Luz can't be with her birth mother for this human day. "Well, why don't we try to do some of that stuff here at my place. We live in a forest, there is plenty of trees." Luz's eyes lit up. They rushed out to the forest to pick out a tree.

"Hey, Luz! This one looks really cool!" Luz followed behind, "Yeah, it's perfect!" Eda then took a gliff and lit the whole thing on fire. "IDA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" "Didn't you say that there was lights on the tree?" Luz started giggling at Ida's oblivion. 

Later on the day, Ida, King, and Luz were at the table, doing various activities, when King spoke up. "Hey, Luz? You mentioned that a fancy feast was a part of this day of your's, right?" Luz nodded in agreement and they both turned towards Eda to see what she would do. "Guys, you know we don't have the money for that right now. Our snails are low!" Luz stood up, "It doesn't need to be fancy, we can just have our typical meal and make it seem fancy!" Luz then decided to decorate the whole table area of the kitchen, making it super festive for their meal. They sat down to what they typically ate and enjoyed the light banter that came with it. 

Later on that night, Eda was getting ready for bed, just sprawled in her nest. Luz popped up from behind it and tapped Eda on the shoulder. "Are you okay, kid?" She nodded excitedly and gave Eda a small package and when she opened it, it revealed some spare snails. "Where did you get this from?" She smiled, doing jazz hands, "Santa!" She giggled walking out Eda's door, "Merry Christmas!" Eda smirked, knowing how lucky she got, "Love you, Merry Christmas."

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