Emile's Christmas-y Birthday (a sanders sides/cartoon therapy one shot) Day 17

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Happy Birthday, Doctor Emile Pacani!!!

Emile was waking up the morning of Christmas Day, but he didn't know if he should go to the tree with the sides, and other Thomas characters. Of course, he wanted to be there for his friends, so they feel supported, but he knew he was selfish. He never really got any presents on Christmas since his birthday has recently passed and most of the sides got him the most then. He would prefer the gifts on Christmas though, as then he wouldn't be left out when everyone else opens gifts. 

But, he couldn't let his friends down, so he walked out of his room and went past the living room into the kitchen where he started to make a cup of coffee. The smell of it filled the air, and next thing he knew, Logan was coming out to get another mug full.

"Good morning, Dr. Pacani. Merry Christmas." Logan went to the coffee pot. "Merry Christmas, Logan! How is the book you're reading, I've heard good things about it?" Logan took a long sip of his coffee before replying, "The plot is interesting enough, the choice to make it so that the office is in a cave was a weird choice, but the character development is abysmal. What they gain is forgotten almost immediately. It's quite strange, what about your literature?"

The two continued talking about their literature, as they did every once and awhile since those two were usually the first two up. Logan really liked the Doctor's company, it was the most sain conversation he really every got. After about 15 minutes, Patton and Roman came running out, Virgil over Roman's shoulder. "Hello guys! Are we ready  for gifts?" Patton cheered. "Actually, no. Janus, Remus, and Remy aren't here yet." Patton looked quizzically behind Logan, so he turned around and saw that Janus and Remus were right behind him. He got scared, sure, but he held in his jump to keep from getting made fun of. 

"Remy, as always, is going to be fashionably late, so we should start now." Remus said. So, they all, excluding Remy, gathered around the tree to open their gifts. Logan received various ties, literature, and table top games. Patton got a bunch of plushies and such toys, as well as cute new clothes. The side went on, opening things, Remy coming eventually and opening his gifts. Then the whole group turned to Emile with his gifts.

"?" He made a questioning sound with his voice. "We held off on presents so that you can open gifts with us on Christmas day!" Roman said, dramatically as always. "I felt bad after joining you guys last year and saw you didn't really have much of anything." Janus said. Pacani felt warm, and gladly took what was provided to him. "Thank you!" he cheered, peeling off the first layer of the bright red wrapping paper. 

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