The Great Giving Care Hearts (a Care Bears one shot) Day 3

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        The Care Bears were all getting ready for Great Giving Day! The day the Great Giving Bear comes and gets people gifts. This year, Wonderheart was particularly excited, not that she wasn't anyway. This was because she would be given the chance to spend the holidays with the cousins and collect Care Hearts springing from holiday cheer, and, with her new belly badge powers, she would be unstoppable!

        She decided today on Great Giving Eve, that she would spend the night at the Cloud Clipper, since Tender Heart wouldn't be home anyway, delivering Great Giving Day gifts with Great Giving Bear.  She grabbed a bag and floppy bunny and headed to Funshine Island, where she knew the cloud clipper was parked for the night. 

        " Good evening, cousins!" Wonderheart said, coming up to the Cloud Clipper. "Hi Wonderheart!" Lotsa said excitedly. Bright Heart walked up behind her, "Hello Wonder Heart! We're so glad you're here! We're going to need all the help we can get." Brave Heart came up to the side of Bright Heart, "Yes! The holidays means lots of warm and happy Care Hearts! There is so many, that one Christmas, we weren't able to even catch them all. Even still, the Care-o-meter was at full capacity." "blllllllbllllllBLLLLLL!!!" Cozy added. 

        "Well then , we should probably get some rest so we're ready for the morning." The cousins agreed and they got into their positions. They have decided to get up earlier than usual so they have time to enjoy their gifts before they go out and collect care hearts. 

        The verge of the break of dawn was upon them and Brave Heart made sure to awake everyone. They looked to the tip of the cloud clipper to find their gifts. Wonderheart got a journal set to record adventures and questions, Cozy got a beanie, scarf, and mitten set, Lotsa got some portable gardening stuff for the ship, Bright Heart received a fancy calculator, and Brave Heart got a great contraption to collect Care Hearts with. 

        This was the ultimate Care Heart collector, much like the Grabber Gus, but it had twice to complicity and three times the suction capabilities. It had multiple settings, a care heart and share cloud tracker, and a net attachment to fill more for solo missions.  It was set in a carry case with things to clean it and an instruction manual.

        "OOooo Brave Heart! The Great Giving Bear really knows you!" Lotsa said. "bllllllllblllllllllllBLLLLLLLLLLL" Cozy said, excitedly. Bright Heart just took a step back, looking kinda sad. Just then, a whole gaggle of Care Hearts came  from below the Cloud Clipper. Bright-o, Lotsa, and Cozy got ready to take action, but in a blink of an eye, Brave Heart took care of the whole flock of Care Hearts. Cozy bleeted in joy and Lotsa was very impressed, but Bright Heart didn't like what he was seeing. 

        Brave Heart turned around, looking at his crew mates. Two looking thrilled and the other looking quite down. "Hey Bright-o, what's wrong." "Well, your new invention from the Great Giving Bear is so good that it makes everything I have invented look like nothing very helpful in comparison. "  Wonderheart came up to Bright Heart, putting a paw on his knee. "I think they're really helpful! You guys wouldn't have been able to put years of Care Hearts in the Share Cloud without you." The others agreed with Brave Heart getting closer.

        "Bright-o, I love everything you make and this contraption will never replace the great work you've done for the team, YOU will never be replaced. I hope you realize how valuable you are to the team." Bright Heart smiled. "Thank you, but, what would be the point of us if you can collect all the Care Hearts in one sweep?"

        Wonderheart spoke up "What if we split up? We can collect so many more Care Hearts!" The four cousins agreed and went about their day, filling the Share Cloud to max compacity. 

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