The Toy Day Carol (Animal Crossing one shot) Day 22

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It was the night before Toy Day and Tom Nook was in his office, counting his bells and figuring bills, Isabell being heard counting from the corner. "23... 24... 25..." "Hey! Can you quit your yapping!" "Of course, sir, but may I ask to put more coal in the fire. It's quite cold-" Tom Nook was furious, "No! Coal costs too much to be putting too much in the fire. The fire is going, so it's fine. Would you like that to come out of your pay check, Isabell?" Isabell shook her head vigorously and turned back to her work before a knock was heard from the door.

Cherry, the hamster, came in going up to the help desk. "Merry Toy Day Isabell, and Mr.Nook!" "Merry Toy Day!" Isabell replied. "Ba humbug!" Tom Nook remarked. "I just wanted to come in and see if you wanted to donate to get the brick bridge built for the holidays. Some houses were places across the island and not every one can come together and celebrate this holiday." 

"No, not a chance." Nook said to Cherry. "But sir, you collect most of our bells. Your rent and house payments are really high. It would be lovely if you donated, at least, a couple thousand bells." 

"NOOO!" He screamed, throwing a hammer from the work bench at her, having her scramble out the door. Isabell spoke up. "Mr.Nook, I was wondering, since it's toy day , if I can maybe get the day off?" Tom scoffed. "The day off? You took the day off LAST year for Toy Day!" "Well, it is a holiday after all, it's kind of a yearly thing." "Uhg, fine. But, I want you in 3 hours early the following day." Isabell excitedly jumped up, "Thank you, so much! Merry Toy Day!" "Ba humbug!"

Soon, Tom Nook went to the back room of  the town hall and layed down in the bed he made for himself. He laid down and soon felt a chilled presents.

"Tooooom... TOOOOOM!" "Who is this who speak to me now!" Soon, a figure of an older man came rapped in chains. "Mayor Tortimer?" Tom gasped. "Yes, Tom Nook. What happened? YOu once owned housing and delivery, and now, you own a whole vacation resort with islands and everything and you have the people who came here on vacation do all this work? You are but greedy and hollow. One day, when you die, you'll end up like me, bound to the chains of the past and the hellish fires that set from below." Tom Nook was horrified, but he kept the pride he had left because from the toll of his own mini clock tower, he knew he wasn't dreaming. 

"I won't let that happen." Tortimer laughed. "But it will! If you don't follow through with tonight's proceedings. Three wisps will visit thee before the dawn of Christmas Day. Let them be for you, and you can dig your way out of the mess I'm in. The Lord bless your soul Tom Nook or to hell the be banned. To hell the be banned!" Tom Nook was to tired to sleep, so he lied in bed until the stroke of midnight, when a wisp came across his bedding.

"Are- are you what Tortimer told me about?" questioned Nook. "Why, yes. Hold my hand and I will bring you to a place you know well." Tom took their hand and they flew over what is now his island and went back to the main land, landing in a civil small town on this east coast. Looking around, Nook saw that this was the neighborhood he grew up in. He caught sight of the near by Christmas Party.

"And three cheers for Tom Nook, who is both rich in wealth and in kindness!" Tom looked away. "I get it. You don't need to show me that dumb, boring memory to get that across." Just then, Tom caught sight of his lost love. A young beautiful frog. The scene recreated of their break up. "No wisp, I don't want to see this. Take me away."

He was then taken to a brightened day in his present day island and a second wisp was in presents. "Mr.Nook, this is the house of Isabella, for which you have employed."

He looked in the window to see his employee, Isabell, going to a house on an island not to far from the island they work on. Her arms were sore as she rowed across the ocean to her house. She went home, to what Tom Nook would have thought would have been a big happy family, but he was wrong. No one was there. She sat at her kitchen table, crying in front of a plate of a half a sandwich, ripping a picture of her and another blue dog animal. 

Tom Nook didn't see why this mattered, but then heard a phone going off. "Hello, it's Isabell. After a few second, she broke out into tears. "I don't know! Probably not! I've been taking my meds, but I've been getting worse. I don't have the money to help myself anymore, I couldn't even provide for my partner when they needed it most. I'm not gonna make it." 

Tom Nook turned away, not wanting to hear anymore, and he started crying. Soon, he opened his eyes and found he was on a smokey island. He turned to see a grave being laid down, with no one around to morn its death. He knew it was too late and he couldn't have saved Isabell. She was being buried because of him. He walked to her grave, but the tombstone was a lot longer than he thought. He carefully read what it said;

"Tom Nook"

He turned and saw a third wisp, "No, wisp. Please, I can change! Isabell will live! I'll be sure of it, just let me be!" But the wisp backed him into the grave and he fell into a put os wasps nests, being swarmed with the bugs. 

He woke up, respawned at his desk, a little woozy. He looked outside, shouting to Cherry. "Hey! What day is it?" "Why, it's Toy Day morning!" Cherry looked happy before beginning to look scared, skittering away, but not before Nook running out and stopping her. "You needed bells for the bridge? How much?" Cherry paused, confused, "600,000 bells is what we need, sir." He handed her some bags of bells. "Here! Here is 600,000 bells, plus another 850,000 to go towards other things in the city! Merry Toy Day!" He bounced off, being blessed by Cherry, adn rowing off to Isabell's island.

"Isabell.... happy Toy Day!" He then proceeded to bring out a bag of millions of bells, food, and home essentials. "Oh, Mr.Nook... bless you. Are you sure, sir?" Nook shook his head really fast. "Yep! 100%! Please take care of yourself. You deserve light and life more than anyone I know. Merry Toy Day." Isabell shed a tear. "Lord bless us, everyone!"

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