A Chinmouse Match (my own one shot) Day 23

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The Chinmouse, Colby, was out cold in the snow. With nothing but a box  matches. He went up to an old man and tried to sell one, he got up and walked away. He then went up to a young women, drinking a coffee, she tried to sell a match before she rudely, showed off her lighter that she got from her pocket. 

Colby was getting really cold, so went down an alley with his box of matches, deciding light one for himself. He lit it, finding a younger person of blonde hair and sparkly brown glasses who bent down kindly to the mouse. They coddled Colby and fed him, making an internet celebrity. The warmth from the fire made him feel the best he has since his grandmother died in the summer time. But, the fire went out and the last thing he saw was his last match going out in a slight puddle. 

He looked up, and found the silhouette of the blonde person. He went towards it, looking for the warmth once more, and followed the figure into the light. 

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