The Snow's Silhouette's (a sanders sides one shot) Day 5

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 It was a nice winters day and Virgil and Patton where getting bundled up in their snow suits to go play in the snow. It took such a long to to get their arms in the sleeves of multiple layers, hands through the gloves and the lastly reach their hands up enough to be able to put on their hats. Even with all this, they were still adimit about going outside to Logan who insisted they stay in if it was that cold. Once they had on their layers, they waddled themselves out the door and to the front yard to play in the snow.

The made it outside and they saw how beautiful the snow was. It was glicining and white and just over all very pretty. Patton then spoke up through his scarf, "Virgil! What would you like to do?" He then saw Virgil tilting back and back until he started tipping over. Patton thought he past out, since he did nothing to stop himself from falling over, but knew he didn't when he found him smiling on the ground starring up at the sky. "Virgil, are you okay." he still asked. "Yeha Pat, just decided to lay in the snow. The layers and the plush snow make it to where you can't feel anything if you fall back. Try it!"

Patton was very hesitant, but wanted to try it anyway. With a deep breath him closed his eye and started falling back. He opened his eyes half way through the fall out of fright, legit kinda scared that he would get badly hurt, but he was fine when he hit the ground. He was so relieved that nothing happened when he fell. The only thing that really happened is that he got to sink into the nice plush snow. The stuff was better than his bed and it made him feel all nice and warm, even in the cold weather.

For a while, Virgil and Patton where just starring at the sky, watching as all the different snow flakes came down to the ground, watching the dark grey cloud slowly move their way past where they were at. Though, after a while, Patton got board. He enjoyed sitting there, but nothing came of it. He was getting antsy, but didn't want to get up and he finally got the idea that he should be doing some snow angles. It took a second, but he finally was able to move his arms and legs up and down, back and fourth, to create the angle motion.

"Patton, what are you doing?" Virgil asked, looking over at him through his snow bed. "I got board so I started making a snow angle, you should try it!" Virgil made a weird face, but must have insisted on making a snow angle because he forcefully lifted his arms up and down, up and down, until he was able to make a continuous motion. They sat there making the snow angle until their arms and legs gave out. It was getting dark, so after their snow angle they finally decided to head back inside. The carefully stood up and saw their snow angles next to each other. It was so cute and it was a great way to spend the day.

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