Unplanned Plans (sanders sides one shot) Day 28

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"Wow, the busiest time of the year." Roman stated, stepping into work on December 1st. Knowing that these next couple weeks we're going to warrant long hours of making his specialty, dresses. He was the head of the costume department since he was really good with the dress-up clothes.

He had the hardest job out of all his friends. He wished he had Logan's job. He was Santa's main elf. He helped him with the list, he gave Santa the smartest of suggestions, and he even got the absolute privilege of going with Santa in the slay on Christmas Eve. He was just so lucky.

Although he had to admit he was mostly jealous, he was very proud of Logan. They we're very good friends and got to grow up together. He knew Logan since he first sprouted from the nursery, since they we're right next to each other when they sprouted.

As much as he loved his friends, he had to get back to work. That was when the guard, Virgil, came running in. "Mr.Roman, sir! I have terrible news!" He got worried, but new that this elf was a scardy cat, so didn't think much of it. "You dont have to call me "Mister" or "Sir", You could just call me Roman. What did you want to tell me, Virge?"

Virgil tried catching his breath, "It's your brother, Mr.Roman, he escaped and is on the loose destroying almost everything in the wooden apartment. " Roman started sprinting to the announcer phone, the phone connected to the speaker system at the North Pole.

"Attention everyone, Elves, Reindeer, animals. The criminal, Remus Grinch, is on the loose once more. He could very well destroy Christmas! I put up his picture on all your Smart Watches. If you see this man, don't run, try to capture him so he could do no harm. Thank you."

As Roman turned around he saw his friend, Logan, standing behind him. He had deep bags, was very pale, and looked as if he was barely able to stand. "Roman, I sent out the troops to search and capture him." Roman gave Logan a hug and let go so he could speak. "Logan, you look terrible. Who spiked your eggnog?"

Logan shook his head, "Roman, no one spiked my eggnog. It is super hard to tell who has been naughty or nice this year. We can barely tell if they're being bad because they are bad, or because of the poor mental effects 2020 has brought. We don't want to call them "naughty" if they just have a poor home life and we're stuck there, but we also dont want to give them anything if they we're actually being bad. Mr.Clause's headquarters is having a Morality crisis."

Roman looked into his glazed eyes, "I'm so sorry Lo. COuld you ask the boss if you could take a break?" Logan shook his head. "We are in the busiest time of the year, there is no time to take a break." Roman looked down, "I got a solution!" He then wrote out his idea on a piece of scrap wrapping paper to have Logan read over and give to Mr.Clause. "I like where you are going with this, Roman."

Next thing they knew, Patton was in charge of telling who was naughty and nice. He has always been the moral compass up here in the north, but it was just a matter of time until he found his place. As for Logan, as much as it pained him, he worked himself into being sick and was put on bed rest by the nurse elves. Santa under stood though and told him this would not hurt his position. He even admitted that it was his fault and apologized to Logan for overworking him.

But the best thing of all, in Roman's opinion, is the fact that he got to take Logan's place this year. He wasn't even chosen by Santa, Logan told Santa that he would be a good replacement, and Santa agreed. Leaving them, and the world, to have a Merry Christmas.

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