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When I was younger 

I always used to wonder

Why do people hate goodbyes so much

but that was until I myself had to learn to say goodbye as well

a lot of people may not see how a goodbye can affect someone's life

until they experience It themselves

and If I were to be completely honest

you will never truly know the worth of someone in your life till you are forced apart

by life itself 

and as much as I wanna lie and say It gets easier as times go by

It would be a lie

because no matter how many times I've said goodbye 

each time I still continue to cry

mostly due to my hatred for being alone

because I never wanted to be alone with my thoughts

but now I honestly crave the lonesomeness

but I also wish to be around certain people at certain times 

I mean don't we all?

because as much as we pretend 

we all need a friend

especially one we don't need to say the words goodbye to

but even then we have to say goodbye

because everyone's lives come to an end 

but that doesn't mean we should be sad

but instead, we all should be glad

for all the memories and great times we share

when we had not one single care

as the wind flew through our hair

as smiles graced our faces while playing with others

and if you've never had a friend to count on 

then how about you have a friend in me?

because at the end my dear

we all love each other out here 

and I promise I'm always near 

I'll lend out an ear to listen to your sorrows

and hold you till tomorrow or whenever the depression goes away

just know I'll never let you see a day where your faith is torn away

I promise my love even with all the goodbyes we share

I will always stay

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