~Before I get to know you~

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Before I get to know you

There are some questions I'd like to ask you

Now I know that this one may be cliche

But I'd rather first learn your favorite color 

Before I get to know you

and whether you love or hate Monday mornings

I want to know, Do you like to dance in the rain?

Do you too push away emotions and pretend you're okay?

I know that may be a deep question

So let me ask again before I get to know you

what games did the younger you love to play

Do you still enjoy playing them today?

did you outgrow those silly little things like you did your clothing?

Before I get to know you

There are a few things I'd like to say

Do you enjoy going out and watching plays? maybe even basketball games

what Is it that makes you tick

were you the type of kid to run down the street

or did you find yourself often getting sick

I must be honest, So before I get to know you

I want to know the things you liked as a little kid

did you enjoy playing with Barbies?

did your family get you one of those toy kits?

I know It's silly to ask

But What is your favorite memory looking back?

Would you say younger you would be proud of how you turned out?

Before I get to know you

Do you think that You know yourself?

Or are you just as confused

Even then I must confess, I'd love to get to know that part of you too

But first Before I get to know you

Do you wish to know me too?

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