~That Side Of Me~

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One thing I've realized in my life

Is that no matter who I meet
And who stays and who leaves

They all see and have a different side of me

One catered to give them all their hopes and dreams

Yet despite all that they still haven't met all of me

Not that side of me

That Side of me that can barely eat some days

That Side of me that stays in bed for hours

That Side of me who's thoughts are so dark you'd get worried I'd do something reckless

That Side of me who sabotage everything that I so

That Side of me that's always crying

That Side of me always lying

That Side of me who I keep away from reality because I'm scared of what people may think of me

Because I know who she is

She is the dangerous side that is so desperate to hold on to someone she'd do anything

That Side of me that feels nothing but pain

The way tears cascade down her face

Lips tasting that salty bitter taste

Eyes swollen and cheeks puffy

That's the girl no one knows

She's the side of me that I never show

Not even to my closest friends because I know if they saw her... They'd realize how fucked up I am

So I hide behind a bunch of personalities and fake lives

That Side of me who doesn't do things for fun but purely to survive

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