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There's so much to drown in
The ocean
A lake
The river
A pool
But my favorite place to drown in
Just so happens to be your eyes
They're so beautiful and enchanting
Always so welcoming like theyre the home I've never known
I could get lost in the depths of your eyes as if in the end I'd get the best prize
And indeed I do
Everytime I see your eyes I meet ur soul
At a glance everything about you becomes whole
You become complete
To me you are so much more than just a person I met

You are a person I have come to know and love

You are the purest dove
You bring me peace
You give a new meaning to the other me

Your eyes I find myself Drowning in constantly
A single glance and I'm already in a trance

Love had never felt more great
The bitter sweet taste as I feel my lips against ur own I find myself Drowning once more except this time in your taste

You always find a way to place a smile on my face
If I were to ever give anyone my heart you'd have first place

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