~One Thing~

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If there's one thing you'd wanna tell the younger you what would that be?

To me if I were standing in front of little me the first thing I'd do is give her a hug

Because as I grew older... I realized the first thing little me was missing...was love..

I never grew close with the younger me

That one thing... It broke me

I never gave myself a chance and yet I stood there expecting others to do just that

One thing I wish I could have said to her is...its okay to get hurt sometimes we just gotta get up and try Again

One thing I wanted little me to know is  It is okay to be scared of the unknown

But to also remember that sometimes that the unknown we're scared of is also our home

That sometimes we grow apart from those we wish we could have kept in our lives, but it's okay

One thing I want her to know is...despite how old we grow... No matter how alone we are...all I gotta do is look at the stars...because that's where the dreams go

And no matter the broken bones and homes we will never Truly be alone..

Because we still have one thing

That one thing is our dreams

Our ambitions

Our friends

Our family

But most importantly ourselves

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