9. You're going to feel better soon

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To be honest, things were going better that Harry had predicted. The day after Louis's mum showed up, Louis told him everything she had told him, and he cried a lot during and after that happened, but then he had stayed true to his word and he hadn't gone back to the depressed state, he had stayed strong and Harry couldn't have been prouder.

Louis had started going to class like he had said, Harry knew the first day had been incredibly hard for him, so he had made sure to text him a lot to tell him how strong he was and how he knew he could do it, and he had. But Louis going to class had been hard for Milo too, Zayn had been the first to babysit him, and according to him, the baby had cried non stop because he wanted Louis, until he fell asleep from crying so much. When Louis heard this, he said he probably shoulnd't go to class the next day, saying he couldn't break Milo's heart two days in a row, but in the end he had gone anyway, but only after a lot of convincing from Harry (over the phone) and Liam, who had shown up to watch Milo that day.

It had been over two week since that happened, and since then, Milo had completely adapted to his three babysitters, Louis had caught up with classes and he was his nerd old self again. He still cried more times than Harry would want, and he sometimes got into a very depressed state, but he was so much better that he had been when everything started that Harry wasn't going to complain.

When Harry steeped out of the elevator that Wednesday afternoon, the first thing he hear was Milo crying, not really crying, but screaming, it was heartbreaking to be honest. So he walked as fast as he could from the elevator to his flat, unlocked the door and saw Niall in the middle of the living room with Milo screaming in his arms.

"I have no idea what's wrong with him" Niall said the second he saw Harry.

Harry closed the door, dropped his things on the floor, hurried to him and took Milo in his arms.

"Everything's okay Milo, I'm here" Harry said to the baby "Shhh baby, it's okay, shhhh".

Milo's screams hushed down the minute he was in Harry's arms, but he kept crying. He
cried almost every day when he was hungry, when he needed a change or when he wanted Louis or Harry, but this was a different kind of cry. He had only cried like that a few times, and it hadn't happened since he was about two months old, and then it had been because he had had a little bit of colic. Maybe it was colic again? When that happened Milo's tummy would get really swollen and tight, so Harry check him, but he seemed alright in that department. And now that he thought about it, he had read in a baby book that colic usually went away when the baby was 3 or 4 months, and for Milo it had happened even earlier, and he was 5 months old now.

"Milo calm down love" Harry said as he bounced him a bit and he kissed his head, and it helped some.

"He's been crying for hours" Niall said, his eyes were full of worry.

"Did something happen?" Harry asked.

"Not really" Niall said and bit his lower lip "When Lou left for class he was a little fussy, he said he had been like that all morning, but just like grumpy, you know?".

Harry nodded, he knew grumpy Milo very well.

"But after like half an hour he started really crying and I changed his nappy because it was wet and it he calmed down for a few minutes, but then he started again. So I tried giving him a bottle, but he only drank a bit and then he didn't want more. I though maybe his gums were hurting because of the teething, so I have him one of those rings, but he didn't even take it and he didn't want a dummy either. To be honest, I tried everything I could think of, but nothing worked".

"Why are you upset peanut?" Harry asked the baby not really expecting an answer.

"I'm really sorry" Niall said.

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