17. You're not helping

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When Louis woke up that morning he was laying on his side facing his boyfriend, who appeared to be asleep because his eyes were closed, but Louis knew he was awake; he had heard him complaining, which was what woke him up in the first place.

"Good morning Haz" Louis said gently as be ran his fingers through Harry's curls.

Harry mumbled something Louis couldn't quite get.

"I'm going to take that as good morning" Louis chuckled "How are you feeling?".

"Sick" Harry replied, his eyes still closed.

On Saturday evening Harry started complaining about having a headache and sore throat and Louis wasn't surprised, he had been expecting it because usually Harry got sick a lot and he hadn't been sick since before Milo was born. And he had been right, Harry woke up on Sunday with a fever and a runny nose, so Louis made him stay in bed and he had to baby him all day, plus baby their actual baby; so it had definitely not been a fun Sunday.

"My poor baby" Louis pouted and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.

"Lou don't do that, you're gonna get sick too" Harry complained.

"If I was going to get sick I would be already, I slept right here all night" Louis said while he stroked Harry's face "Besides, I never get sick".

"I hate you for that" Harry said narrowing his eyes at him.

"It's my superpower" Louis smiled.

"Can you hand me more tissues SuperLou?" Harry wondered showing him the empty box in front of him.

Louis stood up from the bed and went to the bathroom to get a new box and he gave it to Harry.

"Here Hazza".

"Thanks Boo" Harry said immediately taking one and blowing his nose.

Harry's side of the bed was a mess off used tissues which to anyone would be disgusting, but they were at that point in their relationship where they were comfortable which is others snot; so Louis just grabbed the paper bin and he started collecting them and throwing them away.

"Is it Monday?" Harry asked.

"Yep" Louis answered as he continued gathering the tissues, they were everywhere.

"Then I have to go to work" Harry groaned, but he didn't move an inch.

"You're not going to work love, you're too sick" Louis replied.

"I don't have a fever anymore, I think I can go" Harry said.

Louis placed his hand on Harry's forehead to check.

"You still feel warm baby, and you're a snotty mess, you can't go to work like this" Louis decided.

"But I should".

"Hazza you might get worse if you go out" Louis insisted "It's even raining, can't you hear it?".

"Yeah" Harry sighed.

"I can call your office for you if you want" Louis offered.

"No, I'll do it" Harry said finally giving up "What time is it?".

"7.20" Louis said looking at the alarm clock on Harry's nightstand.

"There's no one there yet, I'll call at 8" Harry said and snuggled with the comforter.

"Sure baby, I'll remind you" Louis said and kissed Harry's forehead.

"Can you cuddle me so I feel better?" Harry asked making a puppy face.

Life Happens ~ larry mpreg au ~ book 2Where stories live. Discover now