Chapter 1

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|Chapter 1|


I shook my head at the sight of Castilio as he sat in the front of the court room with his lawyer.

The people in the court room, were happy that he finally got caught for something even if it is something that will keep him in jail for a few years, possession of drugs.

Castilio deserved what came for him, and he deserved to feel aghast, because he broke my heart.

I didn't want to come, but Cynthia made me go. I watched as everyone talked among there selves while I stayed silent.

They was trying to convict him for murder but they didn't have no evidence, so they bumboarded our house with a search warrant and found drugs.

I was work at the time, so I had to hear from Cynthia. Then he got Mercedes and she is 4 months, it is too much to take in.

When I thought back on some things, that meant that he got her pregnant during our relationship which broke my heart even worst.

I had to be fool to fall in love with the person that kidnapped me, and somebody that didn't care for me.

What if this relationship was a big lie?

"Amira!" Cynthia called snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What!" I snapped. She looked at me bewildered then shook her head.

"What's with the attitude Amira because lately your emotions been off the wall." She scowled in disagreement at my behavior.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled sadly. "I'm just going through some things right now."

She looked at me sympathetically and embraced me into a hug. I hugged her back and felt a little better knowing I had a friend to comfort me.

"I'm really sorry Mira, you deserve better than that. I really didn't want to tell you the news but I had to because I wouldn't want you to keep that from me, so I did the right thing by telling you."

I nodded in agreement as I tried to hold in my tears that desperately wanted to come out.

The judge soon banged his gavel on his wooden sound block, catching all our attention.

The talking stopped and we gave him our full attention. Even though still whispered.

The judge started the case and I stared in space, in my own thoughts barely paying attention.

I looked around and soon my eyes came in contact with- his. I quickly diverted my eyes some place else.

I knew the look in his eyes, nothing but sorrow. I could forgive but I could never forget.

My eyes wondered to the back of the room and I stared at Mercedes as her hands were placed on her belly.

I absolutely hated her guts.

I hated how she was so pretty and flawless; how she could catch a man eye across the room when she walked in.

I hated how she is pregnant by Castilio, the man that I was in love with.

I absolutely hated that she could easily steal him from me.

Why did everyone want to steal my happiness? I shook my head and finished listening to the jury.

"This is your second conviction of possession of drugs." The judge spoke. " 2 years and a 2,500 fine." Castilo looked at the judge coldly not fazed.

The judge spoke and banged the gavel dismissing the case.

I felt like I had to puke, I quickly ran to the first bathroom I seen.

"Amira!" Cynthia screamed running after me.

I quickly closed the stall door and emptied all the contents I ate earlier in the toilet.

I leaned against the toilet and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand as I finished.

"Amira, open up!" Cynthia screamed banging on the door.

"Nooooo." I moaned in pain as I held my aching head.

I felt real horrible.

The banging stopped. "Amira please open the door." I sighed and pushed the door open and she sat beside me.

"Oh my god Mira, do you need to go to the doctor?" I shook my head in disagreement as she helped me stood up.

"Come on, Castilio wants to talk to you and the officers are allowing him 5 minutes." I quickly tried to move away.

"I don't want to talk to him Cynthia!" I snapped.

She looked at me displeased. "Amira at least listen to what he has to say, stopping be so stubborn." She said calmly not minding my snappiness.

I sighed then nodded. She grabbed my arm and we walked back to the hallway where Castilio was waiting in handcuffs.

When they saw me walk up with Cynthia, they unlocked Castilio's handcuffs.

"I'm gone give yall time to talk." Cynthia walked away before I could protest.

I sighed as Castilio walked towards me.

"Amira." Castilio whispered trying to grab my hand.

I quickly pulled my hand back from his touch.

"Talk, don't touch!" I snapped. He sighed, a little hurt by my action.

"I really didn't meant to hurt you Amira, I really do love you." I shook my head at his lame statement, but chose not to say anything.

"It still doesn't change anything, because you still got her pregnant."

"I know that shit already damn!" He snapped frustratedly running his hands through his curly hair.

I looked down sadly at his tone of voice.

"How can I make it up to you Amira?"

"You can't, what done is done. I love you Castilio, but I think it's best if we break up and you let me free like you promised." I said and walked away not bothering to look at him again.

I felt half of my heart break as I walked away from the man that I loved.

I walked back in our house that I once shared with Castilio.

The house was totally destroyed from the police searching out house. I sighed and walked to my bedroom.

I stripped my clothes off and ran some hot water. I waited for it to get hot, then I slipped in the water.

I felt my bones relax as I leaned my head back in the hot water. This is what I needed.

My mind then wandered back to earlier when I puked in the court bathroom. I wondered did I have some type of sickness or something, it might be a stomach flu.

I needed to remember in the morning to schedule apartment, so I could pick up some pills.

After staying 30 minutes in my bath tub, I following got out and lotioned my body with count butter.

I walked to my mirror and looked at my body. I was so insecure on my body, and not having Castilio in my life no more brings my self esteem lower.

He was the only person that told me I was beautiful and that he like me for me, but he wasn't here no more.

I hope that what we had was real, or was he just playing me in the long run.

Even though back in the court, he was sincere and I didn't see no drop of regret.

Maybe I was over thinking things, maybe I wasn't.

I sighed and grabbed one of Castilio's big t-shirt and slipped it on. I laid in my bed and inhaled his scent that was still on the shirt.

I wish things could've went different.

I closed my eyes, and drifted off to sleep with a lot on my mind. Maybe rest is what I needed.
A/N: What do y'all think about Castilio sentence? Will Amira and Castilio be together again? Write what you think in the comments.


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