Chapter 24

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|Chapter 24|

Amira Harris

We exchanged looks, and Castilio grabbed his gun before walking to the door. I wondered who was at the door because no one had our address.

We walked through the living area, and I stood a few inches behind him as he opened the door.

As soon as the door opened Mercedes came to view. I sighed, I was really tired of her ass showing up everywhere.

"Castilio, why haven't you been answering my calls!" Mercedes screamed as she held her 7 month pregnant belly.

Castilio sighed before talking. "What the fuck you want Mercedes,"

"I have a doctors appointment, and I wanted you to come to it," She stated as she calmed down.

I looked over at her as she smirked at me, while I mugged the shit out of her.

Castilio sighed before turning around facing me. "Baby I'm gone go take her ass to this appointment," He whispered in my ear as he wrapped his arm around me with his hand on my belly.

I sighed once again before nodding. He smiled a little before pecking my lips, before leaving. I shut the door and locked it.

It was really something wrong with that hoe, and I couldn't help that feeling felt. I was just gone to stay here until he people came to do my baby room.


"Oh my god, I love it!" I screamed to one of the workers as he did the finished touching a on Kaitlynn room.

The worker chuckled a little before sending a small smile my way.

"Thank you so much," I squealed.

"My pleasure," He dismissed before leaving.

I walked back to Kaitlynn room and I couldn't help to squeal again. Day by day it was getting more exciting, and I couldn't wait till Kaitlynn came.

I had her room decorated purple because I wanted something different. Her room was just absolutely beautiful.

I smiled before turning off the lights in her room, and walking out. It was already in the evening and Castilio haven't came back yet from taking Mercedes to the appointment.

I didn't want to expect worst so, I just though about positive things. I tried calling him, but he hasn't picked up or called back, so I was just going to wait until he came home.

I really didn't trust him being with Mercedes like that because I just didn't trust her. She was so manipulative and it irked my nerves.

I groaned before laying on the couch in the den. I guess I will just catch up on some well needed sleep and rest.

King Castilio

"Aahhh," Mercedes screamed as she grabbed onto her belly.

I quickly walked over to and helped her stand up. "What's wrong?"

"It hurts," She moaned as she rubbed her belly.

I sighed before picking her up and bringing her in the house. I unlocked the door with her keys that I took out of her purse, then walked inside her home.

I walked to her bedroom and placed her in the bed. I was about to leave until she called me back.

"Can you please stay with me, I don't want to stay by myself because of the pain in my belly, and I want you to be here if something happens," She cried.

I sighed once again before sitting at the edge of her bed. I watched as she laid back down and closed my eyes.

I knew Amira was gone be mad, but I couldn't just leave Mercedes especially when she having problems with my baby she holding.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Amira number, and she didn't pick up. I sighed before placing my phone in my pocket.

I was going to let her know I was staying here. Since he didn't answer I guess she was sleep.

I will be damned if something happen to my baby boy, and I wasn't here.


A/N: Short chapter....I know. But Mercedes child is a boy and Amira child is a girl yall.

Do yall think Amira going to go off on Castilio for staying over Mercedes house.

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