Chapter 14

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|Chapter 14|


I ran a hand through my hair as I grabbed handful of clothes throwing it in my luggage.

I couldn't live like this and I wasn't going to make myself live like this. I was beyond tired of everyone shit, so I am going to go to a hotel for a while.

I contemplated on buying a apartment but that might be too much, since I wouldn't be staying in the place for long.

I decided for now on that I was going to make wiser actions and maybe, I could get my life together.

Even though I try to get my life together, it wouldn't be. I need to face the facts that I am pregnant by the most dangerious drug lord and my life is in danger.

I quickly grabbed the luggage and fast walked out of Castilio house.

I left Julius house early this morning and he didn't even notice. I left him a note and hopefully he will understand.

I also left Cynthia a text message, then I threw my phone in a sewer. I needed more positive things in my life instead of negative.

I quickly drove out of the drive way and rode to a hotel that was far away from here.


"Ma'm how many rooms do you need?" The clerk asked.

"Only 1," I sighed as I ran a hand through my gair.

I have been doing that a lot lately since my hair has grown a lot and was in the middle of my back.

In 2 more weeks I was getting close to my doctors appointment, to see what the baby sex is.

I was excited and I couldn't wait, it actually didn't matter to me on whether it was a boy or girl.

"Also I would like your most expensive room that is in the hotel," I stayed pulling out a wad of cash.

The clerk quickly nodded and motioned for me to follow her. She showed me to a elevator-

"You will be on the 10th floor and its room 500." I nodded and grabbed the keys she handed to me.

I entered the elevator and waited silently as the boogie music played, and the number that rang on the scale every time it went onto a different floor.

I was surprised there was no one in the elevator, usually the elevator be packed.

The elevator rang, signally that it was on 10th floor, I quickly grabbed my luggage and exited the elevator.

I walked down the hallway and my eyes scanned down the rooms as I looked for my room number.


There was a card on the door and I grabbed it in stuck it in the door.

The door opened and I walked in rolling my luggage behind. My eyes wondered around the room in astonishment.

The room was very beautiful and big. I walked sin further and it had a kitchen a very big bedroom and a den. This was like a mini apartment.

I sure wouldn't mind staying here for even longer than what I was staying.

I squealed happily and laid sprawled on the California king size bed. I rubbed my belly and smiled.

This what I wanted for me and my child-

Stress free


A/N: This is the start y'all, I decided to give y'all a calm chapter but next chapter is going to be a lot of drama.

Shit is about to go down yall, stay tuned!

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