Chapter 10

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|Chapter 10|


I parked my car in my driveway. While I was getting out I saw a black van, it looked to be watching me.

But I shook off the feeling and walked to my door. I dogged in my purse and grabbed my keys.

I unlocked the door and stepped inside. Suddenly it felt like a presence was in the house.

I tried to shake off the feeling, but it wouldn't go away.

I dropped my purse at the door and slowly walked through my home.

My eyes wondered around the kitchen, I didn't see nothing out of place.

My eyes then looked over to the window that was open. I didn't even remember opening the window.

I quickly walked over to it and closed it shut. I sighed running a hand through my hair.

I thought there was actually somebody in my house. I guess my mind was just playing tricks on me.

I grabbed my purse and walked upstairs to my room. I opened my room door and dropped my purse on my dresser.

Suddenly I saw a black shadow in my room. It looked like it was looking through something.

My hands shook as I wondered who was in my closet.

I contemplated on should I run or hide. Suddenly I felt a presence behind me.

"Don't fucking move bitch!" A deep voice demanded startling me. I blew out a shaky breath and stood in place not moving.

"What do you want from me," I whispered as he grabbed onto my forearms violently.

I couldn't scream or shouting, because I was too scared for them to shoot me.

"Aye, I didn't find shit," A man said walking out of the closet with a mask on his head.

The man that was holding me sighed in frustration and pushed me on the floor.

I screamed as I protected my belly.

"Where the fuck is the money!"

"I don't know," I whispered sobbing.

"Bitch you got 5 seconds to tell me, where the fuck Castilio keep his money at or your blood gone be all over these white walls!"

"I don't know," I whimpered. I really didn't know because Castilio never told me anything about money.

The man aimed the gun at my head. My body shook, because of how frightened I was.

"Man we can't kill her because boss said he want her," The other man said.

The man sighed and placed the gun back in his hands.

"Butch you coming with me!" The man screamed and pressed a cloth over my dmouth.

I screamed and kicked, and soon blacked out.


A/N: Short chapter I know... I be trying update but I been very busy and tired.

I will try to update more this week though, and maybe tonight.

I decided that I will stop promising updates, because sometimes it be broken. But vote and comment.

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