Chapter 5

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|Chapter 5|


The doctor rubbed the gel- like substance on my belly, and I jumped a little at how cold it was.

"Oh I forgot to tell you it will be cold." He chuckled.

I smiled a little and looked at the screen. It was like a circle like and I couldn't see much.

He turned the screen off and rubbed the substance off my stomach. I lifted my shirt down, and sat up a little.

"So I have some stuff to go through with you." I nodded.

"Your uterus has expanded enough to start showing a true baby bump, and there will likely be a little less pressure on your bladder; this means fewer trips to the bathroom. Your vision may blur slightly from fluid retention, which is normal." I nodded motioning for him to continue.

"Your baby's getting strong! You can't tell, but there's a lot of flexing muscles and rocking reflexes going on inside there, and she or she can feel when you put your hand on your tummy--but you won't be able to feel any kicking back just yet. "I smiled taking in the information.

"I'm going to prescribe you some more prenatal pills then you will be ready to go." I nodded as he left.

A few minutes later he came back with a prescription. I gladly took it, and exited the building.

I arrived home and walked inside of the kitchen and placed my pills on the table.

I went in my room and stripped out of my clothes. I grabbed one of Castilio's t-shirts and slipped it on.

I looked at the clock that was on the wall, and saw it was only 6:24. I sighed because I wanted it to be later.

I entered the den and sat on the couch, kicking my legs up. I grabbed the remote and turned on Empire.

I guess this is how I would be spendings night.

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