Chapter 12

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|Chapter 12|


"Julius.. I just can't do this anymore! I don't won't to live this life, I want it to be how it was before," I cried sobbing in my hands.

It was only too much of me to handle and this was the break through for me.

Let's face the facts, I have a baby on the way and if I stay in longer it would only put both of lives in more danger.

"Amira, there is no where to go," Julius sighed as he sat on the edge of the end table.

I calmed down and sat in one of the chairs that was in front of him.

"What can we do?" I questioned.

"For now, I really don't know. I'm not the leader of this fucking cartel and with Castilio in prison shit is fucking up!" He screamed frustratedly.

I jumped slightly at his outburst. I wanted to comfort him and tell him that everything was going to be ok, but I couldn't.

"Amira," He sighed. "Just go to one of the guest rooms, you gone be staying here for now, because if something happened to you Castilio will never forgive me."

I slightly cringed as he said Castilio name, I should've of really left when I had the chance.

But I was so stupid in love, that what was really happening faded in my imagination.

I sighed and shook my head. Kebo and Cynthia came here earlier today to make sure I was okay, but they didn't stay here for long.

I accept Cynthia as a friend, but I feel as if she spent more time with Kebo then me.

I wasn't trying to be selfish, it was only how I felt and I couldn't stop that feeling in my emotions.

Maybe it was my mixed emotions that came along the pregnancy.

I walked up the stairs and approached the guest room. I opened the door and laid on the bed lost in my thoughts.

I am mad with love,
And no one understands my plight,
Only the wounded,
Understand the agonies of the wounded,
When the fire rages in the heart,
Only the jeweler knows the value of the jewel,
Not the one who lets it go,
In pain I wonder from door to door,
But could not find a doctor
Says Mira, Love has become my master,
Mira's pain will subside,
When Castilio comes at the doctor

I was mad with love in general. It was something that hurt my heart and I couldn't control it.

Did we fall in love to fast? Maybe we fell in love to hard?

We might of went in head first instead, on something we barely knew about.

Did we have sex to fast? Was I enough for him?

The thoughts rushed through my head but one mainly caught more of my attention.

Did he really love me?


A/N: Amira is in a lost state right now, and she is trying to find herself.

Mainly for her and her child. Amira originally is a lost 19 year old that got involved with Castilio a cold heartless killer, who was 25.

I changed her age though and do anybody remember what Castilio and Amira last name were.

If you remember please comment it.

Also I want to say thank you for being patient for a update and not blowing up my phone.

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