Chapter 3

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|Chapter 3|


"Miss?" A voice spoke over the beeping hospital noises. My eyes fluttered open, readjusting to the light that shone through the room.

My eyes darted around the room frantically before focusing solemnly on the doctor before me.

"What happened?" I croaked inaudible. My voice was very soar, and I didn't remember anything that happened.

The doctor passed me a cup of water and I gladly, sipped it taking my time because my throat was soar.

"What happened?" I questioned my voice more clearly so that the doctor could understand.

He grabbed his clipboard and flipped through a few pages. "Well your are 3 months pregnant and you passed out due to stress, and the stress almost caused you to miscarry but you didn't. I will be prescribing you some prenatal pills that you need to take everyday so your baby can be healthy."

"I'm also going to schedule you appointment next week to check on your baby again to assure its doing fine and is healthy." The doctor reassured me before leaving the room.

I stared at nothing in particular as I took in the news. I wasn't shocked of me being pregnant because me and Castilio barely used condomns.

I sighed as I placed my head in my hands. I couldn't have a child right now, because to much was going on right now which is gone cause me more stress.

I didn't even know that I was 3 months pregnant. I lifted up my gown and looked down at my stomach.

I didn't even know I had a growing pudge on my stomach. I rubbed my belly and smiled a little.

Suddenly the thought hit me. I wasn't Castilio only baby mama and then my child was going to have to share Castilio with Mercedes child.

I frowned in frustration. I didn't want my baby to even be around that witch.

She already caused enough problems in my relationship anyways. I was trying to decide on what I was going to do because I really didn't have that many options.

I knew for a fact that I wasn't gonna tell Cynthia, Julius, and Kebo; Castilio right now because I didn't need no more stress.

I was planning on to move far away, but I was going to still stay in touch with Cynthia and them, but now plans are ruined.

Maybe God has another way for me.

I did what anybody would do in this situation of trouble, I prayed.


A/N: I was going to make it longer but I'm sleepy because I had to wake up at 4 a.m today. But I promise you a update tomorrow though.


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