Chapter 2

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|Chapter 2|


The next morning I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I swiftly got out of bed and did my hygiene, and placed on another one of Castilio's shirt.

I wondered who was in my kitchen, it probably was Cynthia.

I sighed not really wanted to be bothered right now. I soon heard voices that sounded like more than one person.

I just knew Cynthia, did not bring people in my house. I walked inside of the kitchen and there it was Julius, Kebo, and Cynthia trying to bake breakfast.

I laughed at the sight which caused them to turn there attention towards me.

"Goodmorning sleepy head!" Cynthia smiled from ear to ear embracing me in a hug. I hugged her back and smiled at the others as they greeted me.

"We decided to cook your ass a meal because it looks like your ass need it." Julius laughed. I shook my head at his foolishness.

I then remembered that I only had a t-shirt on and then I shrieked.

"Oh my god! Let me change!" They laughed as I ran back into my room and slipped on some pajama paints.

I then ran back to the kitchen. They had the food already laid out.

I licked my lips at the delicious food that laid before me. I quickly took a seat as everyone sat.

I piled up my plate with pancakes, bacon, eggs, and muffins. I devoured my food not caring how I looked eating.

Lately I have been eating a lot and craving a lot of things.

"God damn girl slow your roll, the food ain't about to runaway." Kebo said looking at me weirdly as if I gone crazy.

I laughed lightly and wiped my mouth with a napkin.

They stared at me weirdly as I finished eating.

"So, we came here as friends just to let you know that we here for you." I nodded and thanked them.

"Come here Amira, I need to talk to you in private." Julius motioned for me to follow him.

I stood up and threw away my plate. I then followed him as he walked into the entertainment room.

"I talked to Castilio yesterday," He hesitated. "I really liked yall together, and I think you should give him another my chance.

I frowned and shook my head in disagreement.

"I'm not getting back with him! I mean he cheated on me, then he got her pregnant and he knew I didn't like her!" I exclaimed frustratedly.

He sighed and nodded. "I get where you coming from, but you can't just while a grudge for the rest of your life.At least forgive even if you don't forget."

He patted my shoulder as he walked out of the room. I sighed in frustration as I ran my hand through my hair.

I really needed to go out today maybe get my head done and a pedicure something that will get my mind off Castilio.

My eyes wondered around the room until I saw my phone on the table. I grabbed it and typed in hair shops in California on google.

Immediately hair shops popped up. I scrolled through them until I found one that was close by.

It was called "Beauty Loves". It sounded precise I guess, so I will be going there today.

I walked back to the kitchen and they were sitting down discussing things, and as soon as I came in they stopped talking and diverted their eyes to me.

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