Chapter 20

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|Chapter 20|

Amira Harris

I felt silent snores in my neck, as I opened my eyes. The gleam of the light shine throughout the window making me squint my eyes.

I turned over a little, as Castilio stirred in his sleep.

It felt so unreal that he was here now. The only thing I was wondering was how he got out of prison.

A lot of thoughts swarmed my mind. Could I really forgive him that easily?

He cheated on me, held a gun at me, and even hit me with a gun.

I guess when they said love could make you do crazy things were true. Was I ready to actually build another relationship with Castilio?

He impregnanted me and Mercedes which didn't look good and we both were 1 month a part.

I was at 5 months and she was 6, which wasn't good. Should I tell him that we needed space for awhile or something.

I sighed not knowing what to do. Castilio twirled in his sleep a little, and I stared at him as he opened his eyes and squinted at me.

He licked his lips as he squinted me.

"Why the hell you looking at me," He scoffed playfully.

I small blush found its way on my face. These were the times I missed, waking up getting to see each other faces, and being carefree.

It was like all of our problems vanished.

But what I was about to say, I knew our mood would turn sour, but it's for. The better.

"Good morning," I whispered. He smiled a little and pulled me closer to him.

I felt kinda bad on what I was about to say to him, but at a point he should no how I feel.

Yesterday I should of handled the situation better, instead of just telling him I forgive him and I love him we should of talked about the situation.

Because it was like I was edging him on, which was something I wasn't trying to do.

"Castilio we really need to talk," I sighed as he snuggled into my neck.

"It can wait until later,"

"No," I sighed frustratedly. "We really need to talk....Now."

He noticed my frustration and nodded slightly.

"What do we need to talk about," He questioned confusedly.

I fiddled with my hands as I took a deep breath.

"I think we should...take a break from each other," I started off. He looked at me intently as he took it in.

"I'm still hurt by the situation, and I'm still not ready to even start a relationship with you, but you can still be here for the baby," I stated looking down.

I thought he was going to lash out, but instead of doing that he just nodded with a frown on his face as he got up and walked to the bathroom.

He slammed the door and I jumped slightly as I held my belly.

I sighed as I stared at the bathroom door silently. I stood up and wobbled over to the bathroom door.

I leaned my back onto the door and it was like I felt his body on the other side of the door.

"Castilio, it's like I don't think we're really made for each other," I started not really sure if I should finish what I was saying. Hearing the silence I took note that he was listening so I continued.

"I love you Castilio but at this point, I think we moved into our relationship to fast. Than you got Mercedes pregnant while we was together! Do you know how that made me feel?"

"I love you Castilio but I think it's best we go our separate ways, and that we only take when it's concerning the baby," I felt a tear drop out of my eyes as I said the last statement.

I stood up, and slipped on my night gown. I didn't really care how I was looking right now I was only going to the hotel anyways.

Besides I didn't know nobody anyway.

I walked down the stairs and looked around the house. The house that I shared so many memories, from good to bad.

I felt some tears slip out of my eyes as I touched the picture that was tooken when we were at Kebo and Cynthia house.

I remembered that day like it was yesterday. It was like the first time I ever met Cynthia and Kebo.

I knew me and Cynthia weren't close, close but she was one of the girlfriends that I never had. I really wanted to thank her for showing me how much fun it is to have a friend.

As I took my step closer to the door, I felt footsteps walked behind me. Castilio grabbed my arm and pulled me to his chest.

"I love you so much Amira, you can't just leave me," He whispered as he nuzzled my neck. "Your the only thing I have left,"

"It's best Castilio!" I pulled away from him and stepped back as tears ran down my face.

"We don't have to be together Amira...just don't leave me baby," He sighed as he pulled me back to him and this time I didn't struggle.

He wrapped his arm around me as he picked me up and cradled me into his arm.

He kissed my belly, before lifting me up and took me up the stairs. He kicked open the door and slid in the bedroom and laid me back in the bed.

He got in and I laid my head on his chest. He ran his hand through my hair as he whispered soothing and sweet things in my ear.

I slowly closed my eyes and soon went to sleep, cuddled to Castilio.


A/N: Yall suppose to be getting a chapter tomorrow hopefully. The next chapter will be filled with some drama and secrets will come out.

I knew I said this chapter is the chapter that the secret will come out, but I had a change of ideas so.....

The only reason I changed up the book because I was getting bored, and I didn't want to lose my interest. So yall need to be patient on these chapters because my life doesn't revolve around this book.

And yall better vote and comment.

15 comments and 30 votes until next chapter.

Love Is Not Enough | Book 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora