Min and Pearl

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A/N- I decided to mix Min and Pearl in 1 because I headcanon that they'd have a wonderful relationship with each other and would respect and care for each other.

Min is Inkling's old friend. When the kids asked how long someone has to be friends with someone to count as an "old friend", when she told them "for most of someone's life," they all asked her "How old ARE you?!" (Sorry bout the Inkling is old joke, hahaha)

She acts like a nanny to the kids whenever she visits. "For some reason" she lumps Kwazii in with the rest of the kids. When she's not talking about whatever stuff she talks about with Inkling, she'll be babysitting and she's the sweetest nanny ever. 

She'll always bring them a game to play and she's the gentlest when getting them to behave. She'll just be like
"Jane, sweetheart, let's not climb up there, O.K?"
"Pinto, dear, be nice to Squirt, don't pull his tentacles."

Pearl and Shellington love sharing stories about their babies (Peri and the Vegimals) and will have playdates, and cuddle times with them.

Sometimes all of them will fall asleep in a big cozy heap. If Peso sees this, he'll get every blanket and pillow he can find from the Sick Bay, cover them with the blankets, slip pillows under their heads, and kiss them all good night. 

Kwazii loves baby animals of any kind. That's why the kids are his "lil mateys" and because of this, he ended up nearly crying when Peri said "Kazi" for the first time. 

Min acts like a wise mother figure to everyone on the Octopod, and a caring sister to Inkling. When the Vegimals want to make someone a meal, she just hangs around and helps them with reaching places any higher than the bottom cabinet.  

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