1. Coming out.

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Ashley's POV,

"ahh shit" I groan out. I decided to do it . Tell my parents I'm bi and get the hell out of their house. They are christians and there is no chance that they'll see it from my point of view . Fml.

My mom told me that she'll personally disown us if anything like this happens and my dad is against the lgbtqqip2saa community yet he still watch porn when he thinks everyone is sleeping.

I'm the the second oldest now the oldest my older brother died from drug abuse a year ago . It's been hard on my family since and they are exta strict.

I cut the car engine but I didn't get out the car. I know they'll hate me but is this worth it. I have two other siblings; Josh and Anna that I have to think about. Will they hate me? What will they think of me? Shit I can't do this I'll just go back home .

I start back up the car engine ,was ready to put the car in reverse when I saw the cake in my peripheral vision sitting on the on the passenger seat. The words "I'm Bi" written with purple icening.  Oh, my god why the hell is this so hard.

Just go In there, give them the cake, tell them what bi means and get the hell of there.

That's how I expect it to go not me sitting with my hands on the staring wheel wondering if I should drive off or not.

There's a big difference between expectation and reality.

Balancing the cake on one hand I rang the doorbell.

" Hey Ashley?" Mom greets with a heart warming smile. I couldn't smile. A matter of fact I can't do any of this.

" Hey mom, I have something for you and Dad " I say trying my best to smile.

" John!"


"Yes Lizzy" my dad answered running down the stairs. He was a tall man probably 6'4; while my mom is about 5'6.

I'm the same height as my mum.

" Hey Ash what's that cake?" My dad said taking the cake from my hands.

Moment of truth.

"Ambi?... who is ambi? your new boyfriend? "Dad asked glaring at me.

" No dad she's saying she like pussies " My fifteen years old brother Josh says coming down the stairs.

" Is this true?" My mom asked looking at me .

"Yeah " I answered earning a slap to my cheek.

" so you are lesbian now. Huh? You are like those people? " he said glaring at me.

"Dad l-"

"Don't call me dad!, you're a disgrace to this family just like your brother.You have no home here."

He opens the cake and dump it all over my hair.

" guys listen I'm not lesbian, I like guys too. I'm bisexual not lesbian. They are not the same." I try to reason.

" I don't want to hear nothing they are both pussy suckers, get off my porch!"


"Get the fuck off my porch!!!" He screams slamming the door in my face.

I walked towards my car tears and cake streaming down my face.

I try to get as much cake off me, before I entered my car.

I wipe my eyes, reverse out the driveway and barrel down the street.

I guess this is where my journey began. No more closet, no more hiding. This is my new beginning.
Who's riding shotgun?


How is this?

I've never seen a coming out but I hope this was convincing.

Please give your thoughts and suggestions.

Vote and comment.

The chapters will be longer btw.

NECTAR (formally known as: I think I need a mommy?)Where stories live. Discover now