Chapter 1.55:

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"Riley. In the kitchen. Now." I commanded.

My face was scorching with rage as all the blood rushed to the surface. Riley's head snapped up quickly to meet my eyes. Her posture tightened nervously like she knew I had just caught her in the act of doing something she wasn't supposed to be doing.

Riley spun her whole body around and motioned for the guy to follow behind her to the kitchen. He held his hand out in a phony polite gesture asking her to lead the way. She stepped out in front of him without hesitation and let him creep up behind her.

Riley kept avoiding my gaze as she walked closer. She knew she was wrong for flirting with him in front of me.

The sleazy asshole trailing behind her wasn't making the situation any better. He kept creeping closer to Riley. He even went as far as snaking his hand up to her bare back to attempt to touch what was mine. He lurched forward faster to get up on top of her.

That fucker was going to try to get with her right in front of me.

I stretched my body up tall inside of the doorway to grip the molding on the top. It was slightly loose and ready to splinter off in my hands.  I could easily rip it off the wall right now to beat the guy over the head with it and no one would be able to stop me.

It took a few more seconds for the guy to finally lift his eyes up from the tight leggings that accentuated the spot between Riley's thighs that rubbed together when she walked. When the guy saw finally me looming in the doorway in front of him, his eyes popped out of his head. He knew that I had seen exactly what he was doing to her. 

A flicker of recognition crossed over his face. The dipshit remembered me too.

His repulsive confidence faltered right before my eyes. There was a newly formed stutter in his steps and he tripped over his own feet. He was scared of me, which meant he wasn't completely stupid. There was fear in his eyes as he recalled that night in vivid detail in his head. 

He stopped and let Riley take a few steps towards me. His shadow untangled itself from hers before I destroyed him the same way I did the pink-haired guy.

No one was ever going to touch my girl again.

Riley walked up to me and stopped just short of touching me. The spark between us engulfed every one of my senses. It was always there, but it was a lot harder to ignore when she was this close to me. It charged the air until the feeling became overwhelming. It always seeped into me as a bewildering mash-up of unexplainable rage and carnal lust. The lines between the two blurred whenever she was near.

I stood in Riley's way, not letting her pass by me. I hovered over her petite body and bit back the cruel words forming at the tip of my tongue. I wanted to scream at her and make her regret leaving me. At some point, she decided that Aiden and this joker were important to her than I was and it was shredding me apart from the inside. 

I was the only person she needed and I was going to have to remind her.

Riley started backing up right into the idiot standing behind her. I had to intervene before she tucked her body against his. I stepped forward and invaded her space, furiously breathing down into her.  She moved her arm up like she was going to push me back. I caught her delicate wrist and locked my fingers around it, squeezing it slightly between my fingers.

Riley was going to have no other choice but to stay with me now.

I spun around from the door and dragged her body in behind me. I placed her in the spot next to me in front of the bottle of Bacardi. Even if she wasn't drinking tonight, she was going to stand here until I had my fill.

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