Chapter XXXIII

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"Sister Whitney can frustrate oh,Jesus!" Jade hissed as we ascended the flight of stairs which led to our classrooms,the dark of the night clearly taking over the floors now.

"Is it not that nonsense John Boko that's giving her ideas" Oghale added with another hiss. "And that yeye matron,they should be doing now oh,until we plan them" Onome sneered,giving off a dry laugh at the end of her statement.

Apparently,final year students had come to an agreement sometime earlier in the day with regard to the midnight prep we had been subjected to for a week now. We actually did have an issue,some strange specie of red and black insects were beginning to ravage the refectory at night and giving some good lot of us burns. It was rumoured to go by the name, skirt and  blouse.

We'd laid our complaint to Sister Whitney but she'd refused to believe us,insisting that we continue with the midnight prep,hence final year students coming to the decision that we were all going to miss the night prep today. After all Sister Whitney could do nothing more than to subject us to punishment the next day,or so we'd thought.

Well,within the first hour of the commencement of our plan,things had gone smoothly,not until Sister Whitney,Brother John and Auntie Yinka began barging into the hostels just some minutes past 11pm,waking the few of us who had been asleep and chasing us all out of the hostel.

Despite being chased out,we remained adamant. Some girls refused to put on their daywear and remained in their night gowns and pyjamas as we stood by the slabway,refusing to move an inch. After a lot of yelling from the side of the authorities and complaints from our side,we finally reached a rather forced conclusion that we were to have the night prep in our classrooms.

All through our walk to the school block,the high pitched chidings of my classmates,clearly laced with steaming anger pierced the serene aura of the night. We hadn't walked far when the voices of the boys overtook that of the girls as they too,were being pushed out of their hostels.

Of course,they would always get things done with us girls because the boys never backed down without a fight. It was rather shocking that they even bothered to heed to the voice of John Boko this very night. It amused me though,how some girls had still refused to put on their daywears,allowing it to drape freely over their hands even as the boys begun to approach us.

"You guys should calm down na,last last it's just to come here and continue the sleep,its not hard" Even I laughed. "Kainene,you dont know the kind of sweet sleep I was sleeping. If you knew,you would understand that class hard bench wont even suffice at all" Jade whined.

"Don't worry na,Yomi's lap will suffice" I blurted before I could think what I was saying through. "Ahhhh!!!!" Oghale and Onome shrieked,before bursting into a fit of laughter,pulling me along with them. "Jade sorry,you know that's not what I meant" I tried to apologise in between laughs and breaths.

"Kainene,you of all people ehn. Don't worry,be doing your own. Abi that's how we asked you to help Oghale that day,after forming shy shy, the same you was found in man's arms in the midnight hours." Jade jabbed back.

"Asin ehn,this Kainene is making moves oh!" Oghale laughed as we all settled into the first two seats on the first column in the class. "You don't even know anything,una suppose dey tap grace from Kainene" Onome added with a chuckle.

"I don't know what you people are talking about oh" I tried to maintain a stoic expression,despite the heat that had now creeped up the skin on my neck and face but my lips still tilted up in a smile,giving me off almost too easily.

"Awwn,see Kainene blushing oh" Jade cooed. "Awwwn!!" Oghale and Onome joined her. "You people should stop naww!"I cried,burying my face in my palms causing another round of laughter to erupt from them. What the hell! It really wasn't my fault that I couldn't control the giddiness I felt whenever Daryl graced my thoughts.

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