Chap 10. Spending Time with Colton

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CHAP 10. Spending Time with Colton

Eva’s POV (Mind)

  For the past few weeks Colton and I have been getting along. Don’t get ahead of yourself; we are not boyfriend and girlfriend. I met his friends who are really cool, layback people and extremely funny. The guys are complete flirts while the girls like to talk about the latest trends in fashion world. Colton met my friends and they got on very well too that he got invited to our annual friend vacation. This will be in about five months or so. Both parties have met and get along well which is amazing for Colton and I. Colton’s friends are Simone, Theo, Kale and Angela. My friends Skylar, Lilac, Noah and Jay have been hanging out more often and I feel horrible because I haven’t been spending time with them.

 All I know is that both of our friends are waiting for Colton and I to get together. Well they are going to continue waiting for that to ever happen. I know that he would make a good boyfriend but I just don’t know if I see us as a couple yet. I do like him but I won’t admit feelings yet to him. A few days ago he took me to the zoo. He got the zookeeper’s to let me pet the penguins, lions and an elephant. After that we went to McDonald’s to eat.  He was surprised at how much I ate that day and said that I wasn’t like those superficial chicks that worry about their weight. After that I said “thanks” not the least offended. He was watching me eat the two cheeseburgers, large fries, and large soda all under twenty minutes.

 I told him that it was no big deal because I run four miles every morning and then do some dancing before I go to sleep. I am not some stuck airhead that needs to look like a freaking toothpick to feel pretty or to get a guy. Colton laughed at my comment and said that I am a good kind of different. You see I didn’t mind anything he said about me because I am a person that doesn’t give a freaking flip what people say about me.

    Our little gang decided to go camping which should be interesting. So far Angela and Lilac are being over dramatic because they want to bring their curling iron and half of their wardrobe for a three day camping trip. Apparently three day is too much for them and without make-up they would look like crack heads. They guys had their two cents by saying that they always look like that. Noah and Jay just watched in amusement how the girls threw a tantrum over a curling iron. Skylar and Simone were all for the camping since they are all into the outdoors.

   Colton, Theo, and Kale decided to rent a mini van so we could all go in one car instead of three different ones. They mentioned about camping previous times and said it was a good experience. I was scared and all happy about this trip. My head came up with many scenarios and what could happen while being there. For example a bear could come out and attack us or we meet Big Foot and he invites us for dinner. Well the Big Foot one is a little over the top but it could happen. All I know is that I can’t wait for the camping trip.


sorry if I haven't updated but here it is Chapter 10. the next chapter will probably be up next week no promises. 


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