Chap 15 Telling our Friends

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Dedicated to LoganTaylor2013 for his new story. Thanks for following. Update soon!!


Chap 15. Telling Our Friends

 Eva’s POV (Mind)

I woke up and felt arms around my waist. I turn around and look up to see my boyfriend sleeping with a peaceful look etched on his face. I felt all those butterflies in my stomach performing and the smile on my face that wouldn’t go away. Since it is morning and I definitely look like Chewbacca with my hair all over the place, crusty eyes and bad morning breath I decide to get out of bed and make myself presentable.

          I took a shower, shaved and scrubbed myself squeaky clean. Brushing my teeth and flossing just made my morning better by like ten percent. My face was all make up free but there was no point because I was going to apply some on. Out of the shower I noticed that I forgot my clothes, being a woman about I deiced to go out there and risk it. I opened the door and noticed that Colton was still asleep.

          Running to my walk-in-closet to change in there, which is big enough to have a family dinner. Going to one of the drawers that contain my undergarments I chose a set of lacy underwear and bra. The weather is supposed to be good so I decide to wear khaki shorts with a red tank top, red gladiators and my Ray Bans; for the final touch tying my hair up in a messy bun. I also added some black eyeliner and a bit of lip gloss.

Coming out of the closet I noticed that Colton was sitting up on my bed looking sad so I asked him.

Eva: “Good morning, Colton.”

Colton: “Morning”

Eva: “Colton what’s wrong, you look sad.”

Colton: “I wake up alone my special girl inside beside me.”

          When he finished saying that I felt my cheeks flush red and my heart skipped a beat.

Eva: “Sorry I had to go to the bathroom to pee and plus I looked like Big Foot’s cousin.”

Colton: “To me you will always look beautiful even if you look like Big Foot’s cousin.”

Eva: “Thanks for letting me know that but still I have too look presentable.”

Colton: “No matter what you dress in you will always look beautiful.”

Eva: “Plus we have to tell our friends the news about our news.”

Colton: “Okay I will take that as my cue to get out of bed and prepare for the mayhem that is bound to happen.”

          Colton’s been to my house plenty times before so he has clothes of his in my closet; the same with me and his house.

          I knocked on the bathroom door.

Eva: “Colton I’m going downstairs to start on breakfast.”

Colton: “Got it Eve’s”

Heading down to the kitchen, I stopped at the living room to check up on the guys. It was funny since they are all sprawled out on the couches and air mattresses. It was a funny sight to see because Angela has her foot on Kale’s face, while Skylar was all cuddled next to Noah. Theo and Jay are basically on top of each other.

          I decided that a nice way to break down the news was through food. Taking out all the ingredients needed for waffles, eggs, sausage, fruit salad, and fresh squeezed orange juice. I know that, that is enough for everyone so I started with the waffles. It’s always a habit of mine to add vanilla and cinnamon to my waffles and pancakes. The eggs and sausage were to be cooked at the end that way it was still hot when served. I was placing waffles on the plates when I felt arms circle my waist. Turning to face Colton and I see him looking at me with adoration.

Eva: “are you ready?”

Colton: “Yep so I decided to come down and help with the food.”

Eva: “Okay then start cooking the eggs and sausage, while I finish the waffles and everything else.”

Colton: “okay.”

          I finished making the waffles, so I proceeded to make the fresh squeezed orange juice. Cutting up about twenty oranges in half for the juicing machine, got that finished under five minutes.

Getting out a bowl for the fruit salad was the best part because I enjoy the fruits. Placing out a cutting board for all the fruits. I chopped strawberries, apples, banana’s, peaches. At the end I added some blueberries. By the time I was finishing up Colton was serving up the eggs and sausages.

          Both of us set out the utensils, cups and napkins. Before waking everyone else up I poured the juice into a pitcher. I decide to be somewhat nicer in the way to waking them up. I ran to my room upstairs to get my air horn. Walking down the stairs and into the living room. I stick my hand out and blow the horn. Next thing you know I heart the two most girliest shrieks in the world. Wanting to know who it is and see Jay and Theo hugging each other as of there life depended on it.

Eva: “Ha ha ha, oh my god you should of seen your faces.”

Jay: “Eva that was not funny I was having a good dream.”

Skylar: “Eva why did you wake us up early?”

Eva: “For your information it’s ten in the morning.”

Colton: “Come on guys we made breakfast.”

          That’s all it took for them to run into the dinning room and start devouring the food. Colton and I sat next to each other holding hands under the table. I tried letting go of his hand to eat but it was hard since he wouldn’t budge. Just when I was going to say something Angela started talking.

Angela: “Okay tell me the real reason as to why you made us food.”

Eva: “I wanted to feed your systems plus I didn’t want you guys dying on me.”

Jay: “No my dear Eva I sense more to this.”

Colton: “Guys leave her alone plus I helped with cooking the food.”

          Feeling all flustered from the bickering, I turn to Colton for help. He was already looking at me with a smile on his face. A head nod is all it took to know that it was time to let the cat out of the bag.

Eva: “Everyone I need you to be quiet for a minute.”

Colton: “We have some news to share with you guys.”

Eva: “As of yesterday night Colton and I are officially a couple.”

          The silence that was left after saying that was very scary.

Simone: “Thank god you’re finally together.”

Noah: “I know I was about to start getting Eva with my other buddies.”

Skylar: “I’m glad for both of you.”

Jay: “I thought it would take longer for you guys to get together.”

Colton: “Gee thanks guys for making seem as if both of us were going to end up forever alone.”

Kale: “Being the mature one here I give guys my blessing.”

Lilac: “I give you my blessing to but know this Colton if you break my friend’s heart the next time you wake will be underwater.”

          Hearing the approval of our friends meant so much to me. It would be awful if they didn’t approve but they did and that’s what matters. I just hope all goes well.


Please to who ever is reading this story I would really love it if you comment on how the story is going so far. I would really appreciate it plus it helps me by letting me know if it's gpood or not. like I said at the beginning it's my 1st story.

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