Chap 4. Realization

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Chap 4. Realization

Rebecca’s POV (Eva’s mom)

          I knew my life wouldn’t be the same after Dr.Reed told me about Eva being in a coma. It took a while for the news to sink in and what was going to happen there in after. I was told that the impact was too hard that it caused the brain to swell up. Her body was covered with cuts, bruises, and various broken bones. She I asked to go visit Eva but was told that she was still in the operation room and would have to wait a few minutes. I never felt so empty or hollow on the inside. It’s like having your heart torn out, played with then put back.

I sat waiting and then a bunch of memories started flooding my mind. The time when Eva was born and the joy she brought to me when I saw her beautiful face and eyes. Then when she was five years old and would always dress up as bunny just because they like to live in the gardens. All those memories brought tears to my eyes. There are times when I wonder if I did anything wrong that could bring this upon our family. The time went by and there was still no sign of her being escorted to another room. 

After a few minutes it hit me that I might never see my daughter ever again. All those mother daughter moments would be gone. She wouldn’t come to me for advice or when she felt down. I made to sure she was sent to a more private room in the hospital. When I entered the room there laid Eva all pale and broken. There were so many tubes connected all over her body. She laid there unconscious to the outside world. In my mind I knew that my daughter would pull through all we have to do is wait for her to wake up. I have faith and hope that she will pull through this.

When I left the room the tears just started flowing down my face. Everything just happened so fast. Just today in the morning she was saying good morning and the next she is lying in a hospital bed. I called my husband to tell what happened. He just started to cry and I totally understand him. Eva is a daddy’s girl so the news just didn’t go to well with him. I know that he won’t come to the hospital right away and I wouldn’t pressure him to. On the inside he is breaking and devastated but the inside he will look like a dead man walking. To him Eva is his motivation.

When I got home all I did was go to Eva’s room and cry. I felt so cold and sad. Everything was all just sad now. In there I choose to call Lilac, Sky, Noah, and Jay. When I was done telling them the news they were all in hysterics. All of them are important to Eva and I just needed to tell them. My husband got home but he was very depressed looking. He went to his office and just sat there facing the fire place. It killed me seeing him like that because he is always smiling even after a hard day of work. I just hope that Eva wakes up soon because we all miss and need her. Eva if you’re out there please come back, mommy and daddy need you was my last thought before I fell asleep in Eva’s room.


There you go the 4th chapter. Please comment so I can now if it’s a good or bad. Like I said this is my 1st story.

          Thanks from Ally.

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