Chap 26. Don't Leave Me

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Chp 26. Don't Leave Me

Eva's POV

It's been a month since our wedding and everything has gone back to normal. I have a small bump and I'm constantly having morning sickness. Both of us went to the ob/gyn to ask why I continued having morning sickness and she explained to us that it was completely normal for a first time mom.

On this particular day I got this horrible feeling in my chest, Colton hadn't arrived yet which was highly unlike of him since he was always home at fourty thirty and it was already twenty past six. With that in mind I picked up the house phone and dialled his secretary Maggie.


Maggie: "Hello Mr.Colton Edwards office."

Eva: "Hello Maggie it's Eva, I'm calling to ask if Colton is around."

Maggie: "No sorry Eva, Colton left at four like usual."

Eva: "Thank you Maggie and have good night."

Maggie: "You too Eva."

With that I hung up, but the uncomfortable feeling never left. Seconds after that my cellphone started ringing, stopping my thoughts from running wild. I ran to the kitchen where I had left it on the counter. I quickly answered even though the number was unknown.

Eva: "Hello?"

Nurse: "Hello can I please speak to a Mrs. Eva Edwards."

Eva: "This is she."

Nurse: "I'm calling to inform you that your husband Mr. Colton Edwards was in a car accident and is in critical condition."

Eva: "Is he going to be okay?"

Nurse: "It's hard to say but it would be best if you come to the hospital."

Eva: "Yes I'll be there soon."

I hung up on the nurse, then ran into the living room to get my car keys before rushing to my car. I shakily put the key into the igniton and sped out of the driveway like a madman. The trip to the hospital usually take's fourty minutes but I made it in twenty. Parking in the handicap section, I locked my car and ran to the entrance bumping to people on the way. I passed the main lobby receptionist and headed for the elevator, frantically pressing the UP button. It felt like it took forever to arrive so I ran to the stairs all the way to the fourth floor. When I saw the door labeled '4 th' floor I stopped for a second to gather my bearings before yanking the door open.

The nurse was startled by my commotion. Walking up to her I asked for Colton's room number.

Receptionist: "Your husband Colton Edwards is in the O.R at the moment but I'll call the doctor for you."

Eva: "Okay, thank you."

I waited in the hallway, looking at the operation rooms, thinking my Blue Eyes is in one of them. Suddenly I saw a doctor come out of the second room, with his scrubs splattered with blood. Just seeing the blood made tears spring to my eyes. When he approached me I was already full on crying.

Dr: "Ma'm your husband is asking for you, he has a lost a lot of blood so he might not last long."

He led me into the operation room, the closer we got the more hot tears ran down my face. Seeing my handsome Blue Eyes made my heart hurt, as he laid on the gurney. Slowly he turned his head in my direction, his bloodied hand reaching out too me. I briskly walked to his side, while taking his hand. Colton's voice was raspy as he tried speaking.

Colton: "My sweet Eva you are the best thing that has happened to me, just know that I love you and our baby with my entire being. If anything happens to me I want you to mourn me, but not for long. A beautiful woman like you should never be sad. Promise me that if I don't make it, that you'll find someone that makes you laugh, cry, and smile."

I couldn't answer him because I wouldn't be able to keep that promise. As I clung to his hand with tears streaming down our faces and with a glimmer of hope I answered Colton.

Eva: "Colton it hurts my heart to hear you say that but I promise you to move on, if you don't make it. But I know you'll live so we can be a family."

Colton looked at me with pure love shining in his eyes as he whispered to me an 'I Love You' as his hand went limp in my own. Panic settled in me as I noticed that Colton's eyes were no longer open.

Eva: "Colton, baby please wake up. Open your eyes so I can see those beautiful blues of yours. Sweetie please!"

I was shaking his body as I cried out in agony. A nurse pried me off of him as she raised the blanket to cover his face from my view. I felt my body shut down as Colton disappeared from my sight.


Well guys this another update. This chapter was hard to write, it had my heart all heavy. Sorry for not updating for so long. I'm someone who get's sick easily and currently I am ball of snot as I cough up my lungs. I'm just glad school is almost over so I can write more. Who else is excited for the premiere of THE FAULT IN OUR STARS??!!!!

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Love Ally xoxo

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