Chap 24: The Wedding pt 1

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Eva's POV (still in coma)

Well today I get married with the man I love. Nervous is an understatement at this moment I feel like all the five oceans are in my stomach and the waves are crashing against it. I woke up early to go to a spa and get myself all cleaned up. I was given a full body wax follwed by a facial, massage, manicure, pedicure and a body scrub. When I got out of the spa I felt all rejuvenated and slightly less nervous. Driving home made think about everything and I smiled at the thought of becoming Mrs. Colton Edwards .

As I parked my car in the drive way I noticed two people standing in front of the door. I was too distracted with my spa treatment that I forgot that the stylists were coming in at ten. I scurried out of my camaro to greet them and let them inside the living room where there is enough space to set up there things.

"Sorry for not being here early I got completely sidetracked, please come in let me change, so you can get started.' -Eva

"It's no problem my name is Dania and she is Elaina we will be your hair stylist and make up artist today."

"Well it's nice to meet you and I will be back with refreshments."- Eva

I headed to my room upstairs so I could change into my lingerie and placed a silk robe to cover up while my hair and makeup were being done. Before heading back into the living room I got Dania and Elaina a glass of iced tea with a lemon wedge.

"Here you go Dania and Elaina some iced tea before you get started." - Eva

"Thank you." Both of them replied simultaneously.

I sat down on a chair they had placed by the coffee table. Since the ceremony is being held outside on the beach I wanted my make-up all natural. Dania did my hair in a low bun with a few strands left to compliment my dress. Elaina then got started on my make-up. She applied foundation, then some bronzer, and blush. For my eyes she used browns to make my hazel eyes pop and not make me look like a tramp. She finished my make-up with a light pink lip stick followed by lip gloss to make my lips appear more plump.

Looking in the mirror made me think that the woman in the glass wasn't me. She looked flawless,radiant, even glowing.

"Thank you so much Dania and Elaina, I look beautiful and I will definetly recommend you guys to my friends for future events." - Eva

"It's no problem it's what both of us love to do.-Dania

"Plus you only get married once so we had to make you extra radiant."- Elaina

I hugged them both before they left thanking them a million times. Once they left I headed upstairs into my bedroom to put on my dress. I went all the way back of my closet to pull out my gown. I saw it on a window display of boutique and instantly fell in love. It's a Lazaro tulle ball gown which has a sweetheart neckline, sheer Alencon lace bodice and a silk ribbon at the waist.The skirt has pleating and Alencon lace applique and a train for elegance. I slipped on my dress and tied the silk ribbon into a loose bow. Since the ceremony is out on the beach I opted for white strappy sandals instead of heels where I had the most chance of tripping. When I finished slipping on my sandals I went downstairs to gather my small champagne colored cluth with my iphone,lip gloss and keys inside. After I headed outside where a white limo waited for me. The driver helped me inside the the car and after that he walked to the driver's side. The drive to the beach house gave me enough time to gather my thoughts and calm down.

Minutes later the driver is pulling up to the front of the beach house and coming to open the door and help me out. My feet are placed firmly on the ground I close the car door and take a deep breath. The driver hands me a bouquet of red roses for when I walk down the aisle.He soon leaves after and I walk in to a room near the back of the house. Through a window I can see Colton standing at the altar looking very handsome in black and white tuxedo, his hair gelled back and red rose on the lapel of tuxedo jacket. Our friends are sitting down talking amongst each other with camera's in their hands. Soon after I hear the familiar here-comes-the-bride tune. I slowly walk out of the room and onto the beach.

Making my way down the aisle I felt scared of falling flat down on my face. Flashes blinded me as the professional photographer snapped pictures of me. I turned my sight to Colton and it suddenly felt like we were the only ones on the beach. When I finally reached Colton, I was more than ready to say I do because I have a special announcement to make. We both said a quick "I love you' before facing the priest. Throughout the enitre ceremony I would just gaze at Colton wishing to skip to the part where we could say our vows and then it came.

"The couple will now say their written vows."-priest

"Colton I want to start by saying that I love you with everything in me. Ever since I bumped into you at the park I knew there was some type of connecion. You are everything I dreamed of and more. I love how you are so attentive towards me and always me cheer up when I'm down. There isn't enough words to express my feeling but by taking you as my husband today I hope that I can make a happy man. I will stick by you through thick and thin, help you when you are down and to help create a family."

When I finished my vows I was in tears and so is Colton. Then Colton said his vows.

"Eva you are the love of my life, eveything you do makes my love for you grow even further. Your smile puts the sun and moon to shame and your eyes sparkle more than stars at night. As we furthered our friendship I knew you're the woman destined for me. Everything you do can compare to no other. And if anything were to happen to me I want you to know my love will always be there. Today as I marry you, I look forward to all of our advetures and family."

If I thought my crying was nothing before now I'm a complete blubbering mess. After our vows were exchanged the priest finished the ceremoney. 'I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride."

Colton swooped me into his arms and kissed me pouring all his feelings into that one kiss. In the background I could hear the faint noises of our friends cheering for us. We pulled apart to breathe, also to greet our friends. Both of us walked down the aisle as rice was being thrown by our friends.

Everyone came up to us giving us hugs and kisses. For a minute I just got overwhelmed but it's my wedding day so who was I to complain. The photographer took pictures of all us then individually. I just kept on laughing and smiling. Nothing felt better than this moment.

After pictures weren done waiters came out with trays of finger foods and flutes full of champagne. Colton and I decided to walk around the beach before heading back for dinner. Intertwining our fingers both of us walked west of the beach house. Maling idle conversation.

"How do you feel being married?"- Colton

"It feels amazing, I'm on cloud nine."-Eva

"Well Mrs.Edwards I feel the same and I'm glad to spend the rest of my life with you."

"I feel the same Mr.Edwards and I very much look foward to our future."

I then pulled my Blue Eyes for a romantic kiss. Both of us content decided to head back to the house for dinner and the speeches.


This part 1 of 2. On the side will be a picture of her wedding gown. I'm in love with it and I think I will use that as my wedding gown in the future. This is coming to an end. I think there is about 5 chapters left. I'm going to try to get started on the sequel. Continue Voting,Sharing,Fanning, and Commenting. Also check out my upcoming story Everybody Knows.!!!

Thanks from Ally.

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