Chap 14. Moving

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Chap 14. Moving

Rebecca’s POV

          I am now three months pregnant and they haven’t been the best. There is too much morning sickness, many trips to the bathroom, and so many cravings. It feels sort of awful but I am happy because in six more months I will bring into this world my beautiful twins. Today is moving day and it has been very stressful. The movers are all loading the boxes which are not much because Tyler decided to buy all new furniture for the house.  Eva’s room was the last to be loaded because it’s going to be the first to be unloaded at our new destination.

With all the things that are going on I am so thankful for the new house because I have a good feeling that we are going to get the extra space. Since there is extra space out in the backyard we decided to build a guesthouse for when family and friends decide to stay over. Tyler decided to the install the twins a clubhouse so they can play when they are older.

I’m all excited for my next appointment so I can figure out the genders and start shopping and setting up the nurseries. Both of us told our families about the twins and they are happy about it. They told us that they are all coming next month to plan a baby shower. The good thing is that both our families get along great so there should be no problems. I know that I definitely shouldn’t buy any baby clothes because the babies are going to get more than they bargained for.

I’m a complete mess. There are too many cravings and I feel like I am going to explode at any minute now. Tyler just laughs but then I get all angry and start crying. It is hard being an emotional pregnant woman. I feel horrible for sending Tyler out at three in the morning to get me ice cream, sunflower seeds, pizza, and ice tea. He says that he doesn’t mind at all because it makes me happy.

 Our new home is more in the outskirts of town so it takes about forty minutes to arrive. When we do I am completely mesmerized by the beauty of the house. The house is spacious enough to fit all of us and conveniently the twins’ rooms will be besides our master bedroom. Eva’s room is going to be at the end of the hall so she has some privacy. Her room is the second biggest, with an ensuite bathroom; balcony that has a view of the back garden and walk in closet she also has enough space for her to have a small living room too.

Everything was settled into there appropriate rooms. I decided to go to the backyard and look at all that is my new house. I am all excited but I know it won’t feel right until Eva is up and around the house being her normal happy self. I have never been happier than this moment. Now I just have to wait for our families to arrive in a month with presents that will keep any baby happy.


This is more of a filler. I'm going to concentrate more on Eva and Colton. They are the main characters. I'm sorry for updating really late but it's just because I am having some writers block. To who ever is reading this story I need your comment telling me what to do make this story better.

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      Thanks from Ally.

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