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One New Message From Robin - my place, me, you and Callum, tomorrow at 7pm x

The next day

12:04 pm

'Should be any minute now. did I write down the right time?' Scanning through my book, it clearly states 12pm, the doctor will ring. But, as ever, anything to do with doctors or hospital related they're never on time. Why state a time if you're not going to be able to make it. It only builds more anxiety inside me having to worry about talking on the phone more. I hate talking on the phone.

Mumford can tell I'm not doing to good, he's circling my legs, meowing at me as if I speak cat.

'Yeah, Mumfy, you meowing at me even louder still isn't going to make me know what you're saying!' I love this cat, I really do, but god he thinks I'm a mind reader. He can't be hungry, I've literally just fed him. I know that because he has a little chart I write the times on. Wait, this is Mumford to be fair. Yeah, probably hungry.

12:21 pm

One ring.

'Hello?' Alright eager beaver, calm down. You didn't even let it ring twice.

'Hi is this Miss Jone?' A bubbly man's voice plays through my phone.

'Hi yes, erm yeah I'm Brie Jones.' Calm. Down.

'Hi, Brie this is Doctor Khan. Nothing to seriously my dear. I just wanted to check up on how you're doing with your prescribed medication. Any problems I can help you with, or questions?'

I haven't really thought about my pills other than when I have to take them at night. I just kind of take them and forget I have them until I need a refill. Nothing coming to mind, I answer honestly.

'Oh, ok. Erm no I think everything's ok. I mean, I don't really notice that much of a difference. Actually, I do in the sense I can stop my mind from wizzing out of control now. They make things easier to deal with. When I have set backs it's nice to know I'm not completely alone. I know I'll be taking my meds when night comes, so that helps.'

It's true. Whenever things get to much, I take myself off to bed and take my meds. By morning it's like yesterday was a bad dream, and I can mentally handle it more easier than what I used to be able to.

'Well great. As long as you think they are helping that's all that matters. If you need to talk more about your prescription another time, feel free to give tower house surgery a call. Speak soon Miss Jones.'

He doesn't stay on the phone any longer than needed as he knows I don't like it. Hanging up. He's very attentive that way.


'Chad, I just don't see the issue with me spending time with my brothers if you're not even going to be here! I'll be all alone if you go out, so why is it suddenly a problem that I'm going out - you know what, I'm not even going out! I'm staying over at my brothers house! He'll make sure I'm comfortable, I know he will.'
I can see the gears churning away inside Chads head right now. This is the outcome of me telling Chad I'm going to my brothers house tonight. What does he think is going to happen, I'm with my brothers.

'I don't have a problem with you going to their house Brie, I'm worried about who else is going to be there! They're sociable people, who invite any and everyone back to their houses, who knows who will be there. You'll have to talk to them and knowing you, you'll get yourself all worked up over nothing and be ringing me half and hour in to be wanting to come home!'

Un- fucking- believable! He really thinks that little of me, and has no faith in me to be able to talk to new people! I mean, he's right about that, but I'm not telling him that. Anyway, I don't even think there's going to be anyone else there.

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