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Bries POV

'If you send that text Ash, pray to whatever God, bagel, whatever you see as a higher power because I will, without hesitation, murder you with that very phone. Do. Not. Press. Send!'

It's now day six since I dragged Harry into the car and we drove threw my tunnel. To say I've been cool, calm and collect would be the furthers thing from the truth. I'm shitting bricks. I really like Harry, I think he's got a lot to say, he's just waiting for the right time to say it. He's hiding a lot of pain as well, trust me I can tell. I have a keen eye for people with troubles. I'm just not sure on what those troubles are just yet.

Back to Ash, holding my phone above his head with a text to Harry just waiting to ruin my life.
Ash is insisting it's a good text but I know for a fact it's not.

'Oh come on Brie please let me send it. Do you know how happy he'll be when he gets it!'
A part of me wants to believe him, maybe he is waiting for me to message him, see how he's doing since the other day. That doesn't win over the part of me that's screaming do not send it! You're a bother in his life, he doesn't need more drama from you.

Amongst our wrestling, I've practically climbed on top of Ash, pulling at his hand to get my phone back.


Both me and Ash froze still at the small but very significant beeping sound coming from my phone. Stuck in the position we were when we heard the sound, neither of us make a peep.
A faint smile starts to work it's way up Ashes cheeks until he can't hold it back any more.

Pushing me off of him, he quickly checks my phone to confirm the sound we heard definitely was his text being send to Harry.

You've got to be fucking joking.

'Ash? What did you write exactly?' Ash looks like he's waiting for a bollocking that's due any second now.

'Erm, I'll read it aloud if you promise not to staple my fingers to the desk.' Looking down, I did indeed pick up the stapler. I wasn't going to use it, more of a scare tactic.
I quickly drop it and plead with my eyes for him to tell me what he wrote.

'Ok hunny. Don't freak out, this is what I wrote. Hi, Harry. Was just thinking about you and hope you're ok. How about I pay for dinner tonight if you bring the conversation, cos god knows I don't have any. All my best, Brie. Then I put some kisses at the end! Ah I'm so excited, I love this!'

I want to curl up in a ball to hibernate, never speak or see another human ever again. Why is this so painful for me?

'Ash! What the fuck! When have you EVER heard me talk like that! He's gonna think I'm crazy. Who asks someone out like that?!'
I don't know whether I want to punch Ash in the face or strangle him with a hug because I know for a fact I would never have the balls to send a text like that. But who knows this could be just what I need to spice things up.

'Hey! You were the one climbing all over me remember! It was you knocking my hand that sent it!'
Ready to burst out laughing he's doing his very best to be calm for my sake I can see it in his eyes, he's gonna erupt any minute.

Surrendering to my fate, there's nothing else I can do now. The message is sent. Harry is either going to be happy about it or, more realistically, think I'm a weirdo and not reply. Plan to avoid me next time he sees me.

We're no longer cleaning at Harry's work anymore. Thank fuck for that. We're now at some no name food joint, 'Pop in Pizza', that's mainly open in the afternoon to early morning for when people go out drinking and need something greasy. It's kind of triggering not gonna lie being somewhere like this after what went down with Chad. But I can't let that get in the way of my work. It's not the same place after all.

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