Twenty three

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WARNING! This chapter does include some very serious and some what disturbing topics such as suicide and miscarriage.

Bries POV

I'm so tired.

I wasn't supposed to wake up last night. I said my goodbyes, I even made sure to leave a window open for Mumford to escape if nobody came to find me in time. There was a point when I said I'd never take my own life, and I meant that... at the time. But things change. It was never set in stone.

But now I'm still here, with even more guilt than ever and I can't stop thinking about everything I've had to deal with. Callum insisted that I came here, to his house last night after the medics checked me over. And that's what's happening right now.

Callum is on the phone to my doctors probably discussing what loony bin they're going to take me to and Rob hasn't left my side..... and neither has Harry. All I want is to be left alone. I feel so embarrassed. I couldn't even take my own life, how pathetic is that?

All morning the boys have been whispering to each other about me, I know they're just worried, but it's killing me to see them like this..... no pun intended.

I've been sat on the window ledge for about an hour now, but only after the boys had all checked the windows were locked with keys I will never see. The weather is cloudy but there are spots of sun peaking through the cloud making it look so warm out.

You know when you'd rather someone just out right asked you what they wanted to ask instead of tip toeing around you, and making you feel like you could snap in two the second they said something slightly the wrong way, well that's what I'm getting from these boys right now.

Harry has made me that many cups of tea, I lost count at five and is being extra attentive to me. I hate it. But I know he just wants to cheer me up. But this isn't something that can be fixed with a brew and a laugh. This is permanent damage.

There's a nock at the front door and all heads whip in it's direction. My heart starts to hammer in my chest, is that Chad? Is it the person who posted the photos?

I do my best to hide the panic in my eyes from Harry, he looks so sad. Callum is the one to open the door. Welcoming in this person who I, quite frankly, couldn't give a shit about nor want to talk to.

'Hi, Callum is it? I'm Lily we spoke on the phone?' Twigging what is about to happen, I quickly stand up and head to the his bedroom. I don't want to talk about what happened, I just want to be left alone. Why can't the just accept that.

'Woah woah, hold on Brie. Please, just talk to her a moment. You never know, you might like her.' Rob grabbed hold on my hand, interlocking his fingers with mine, not letting me walk off.
I try to show him in my eyes how badly I don't want this, how much it's going to hurt me to talk to someone about what happened. Giving me a sad frown, he pleads with his eyes.

I can never say no to him.

'Fine. But I'm not talking to her.'


It didn't take long before this Lily woman was making herself comfortable on the sofa, giving me gentle smiles and wanting to talk. With an apologetic voice, she turns to my three guard dogs that are all crowded around me like I could explode at any moment, and says; 'How about you boys get some fresh air Hm? That back garden of yours looks rather lovely. Perfect weather wouldn't you say?'

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