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Harry's POV

Five days since I last saw and spoke to Brie.

'Hold on Harry, I need to just work through this to make sense of it all. So, she got her brothers to take you for a drive?'


'While listening to your favourite song?'


'That you didn't even say was your favourite song, yet she loves it as well?'


'And somehow got your lanky ass standing up through the sun roof?!'


This is the fifth time I've gone through the events with Cole of probably one of the best nights of my life. That sounds so bleak, but honestly it really is up there.
I didn't plan to fall head over heals for this girl, its kind of just snowballing out of my hands. I'm not sure if I'm excited for Brie and I to get closer, it doesn't help that I have a difficult situation when it comes to my love life.

'All I'm sayin' is, you've been living under a rock for three years! Three years man! I don't need to know the details, but I know you've not been abstinent. And I'm sure you've been having a great time, but, I know for a fact you haven't felt any connection with any of the people you've been seeing.'

Alright, make me feel like shit. It's fine.
Is he actually going somewhere with this or what? He starts fiddling with his phone and connecting it to my car, not saying anything else.
A piano and violin introduction to a song begins to play and I'm looking at the side of his head like he's just forgot we were mid conversation.

Is this fuckin' Céline Dion?

'What. The fuck. Are you doin' ?'

Grabbing an invisible microphone, Cole turns to me with a very serious face. Lifting his index finger just inches away from my lips.

'There we're nights when the wind was so cold!'

Kill me.

'That my body froze in bed, If I just listened to it right outside the window.' Does he see himself right now? I wish I was filming this. Lip syncing along to the very dramatic song, playing very loudly through my car speakers. With lots of people walking past.

Not sure how far he's willing to take this performance I beg him. 'Please stop.'

' There were days when the sun was so cruel! That all the tears turned to dust and I just knew my eyes were drying up forever. I finished crying in the instant that you left' He's fully committed to this. I want to just walk away and pretend this isn't happening.

'And I can't remember where or when or how.
And I banished every memory you and I had ever made.' Oh boy, we're really doin' this then huh. He's now turned fully in his seat, facing me.

Giving up on trying to get him to stop, I simply stay rigid in my seat, waiting for the over the top display about to happen.

'But when you touch me like this, and you hold me like that. I just have to admit that it's all coming back to me!' Before he has chance to carry on with this stupid song, that's strangely works with my situation in life at the minute, not that I'd ever admit that. He brings his hand up to caress my cheek, not before I grab it and turn the music off.

'Aww party pooper, it was getting to the good bit.'
Cole's now sulking in his seat like a child. I need to get some real adult friends, that I didn't meet through work and have more than butt fluff hair on their faces.

'I am not. It's just, I'm struggling to make sense of all this. What happened to Jane.... Fucked with my head. It wasn't like she just left me. It's took me so long to even stop thinking about her, having to still deal with all her insurance and stuff, it's like she's still around. And if she's still around then, what does that make what I'm doing with Brie? Cheating?'

It might sound silly to look at it that way but that's just how I feel.
Coles now gone a lot more serious with direction of the conversation. He quickly turns the music down just enough to still be able to hear it. I didn't want to bring the mood down I just don't know what to do and I need some advise.

'Hey, Harry I get it, I do. But you can't keep living in the past. What happened to Jane was heart breaking and she was a lovely woman. Inside and out. But you shouldn't have to stay stuck in the same place you were two years ago. What I remember of Jane, was that she was the most understanding and positive person ever. Deep down you know she would hate to know you're still not moving forward with life.'
Bloody hell, where's this coming from? I feel like he's had this conversation memorised in his head for years.

Feeling the stinging in my eyes, I quickly wipe away the tears. ' I just feel guilty is all. I know what you're saying is true it's just weird you know?' Shrugging my shoulders I see Cole reaching over to give me a hug.

'I know mate. But this is good, this thing with you and Brie. Proved you still have a heart after all.'
I let out a laugh, finally accepting that it's time to be thinking about my future without Jane in it.


The most perfect woman to ever cross my path.
She crossed it and jumbled it right up.
I would never compare women to one another, because no-one is the same. Everyone all have their individual unique traits and special things about them.

Jane just seamed to have it all figured out.

Brie on the other hand, well she's a mystery I'm enjoying working out. Being around her does give me those same tingly feelings I got when I was around Jane, just different. In a good way.

'I've always had a heart you idiot. I just haven't been letting it get attached for a while. Don't think I'd survive another tragedy.' I'm not lying.

'Alright. Well the way I see it is. If being around Brie makes you happy, then you shouldn't fight it. I understand it's gonna feel weird for a while. But time is them best healer. One day, when you're all grey and old, so not that long away, you'll be watching to and going shopping with a different person. And you'll still remember the good times you had with Jane, but it won't hurt anymore.'

I can't believe it saying this but Cole is a little saint. He's got a good head on his shoulders.

Getting myself together, I wipe away the tears and take a deep breath. Time to move forward.
'You know, youre alright for a young'n aren't ya?'

Cole gives me a look to say, 'duh' and turns his music back on to finish his song he chose to perform. Laughing to myself, I pull out of my spot and head to Cole house to take him home.


Hi, so this chapter was mostly to get a better understand of where Harry's heads at with everything. He's a little unsure of how he wants to go about speaking to Brie more because now we know his past. His wife died in a car crash 2 years ago and Harry is just now starting to come to terms with the fact he can't be stuck in the past forever. Sad times. Don't worry, he and Brie have happier times coming. 🤍

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