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Rob gave me 20 minutes to shower and change into what he picked out, before he dragged me out the house himself. Lucky for me, I'm not a big girly- girl that needs hours to do their hair and make-up. I simply showered, got changed and was ready in 15 minutes.

That puts us to now. Me and Rob laughing about something stupid he brought up, walking into his house. It's a nice change from the smell of my house, this place smells like mens aftershave and popcorn, unlike mine that smells like bin juice and Chads cigarettes.

Like Rob said, it was just me, him and Callum for a good few hours into the night until their doorbell rang and we all look to one another, confused who it could be.
Callum got up from the sofa, pausing the movie we were all watching and running over to the door. Me thinking nothing of it, maybe they ordered a pizza. I take out my phone and fill the time by looking through Instagram. After about fire minutes of waiting, Rob shuffles closer to me, shouting 'hurry up Cal! Camembert is going to fall asleep on us if we don't get this film finished!' Another cheese name, of course. Great, now that person thinks someone is actually called Camembert. I grab a pillow from under my arm and throw it at Robs face.

I can hear Cal and this other person laughing and footsteps making their way into the living room. Oh bollocks, I am not dressed for anyone other than my brothers, Rob said I looked 'fine' when we left my house but looking down at my outfit now, I look stupid. I'm in baggy jeans that are probably one of my brothers, a black crop top and one of Chads blue flannels that was hanging on the door as we were leaving. It's not a bad outfit if you're pretty and can pull it off, but on me I look homeless. 

Rob noticed my sudden switch in attitude when I hear the other person, turning around in his seat to talk to me.
'Brie, I'm sorry. I didn't know Callum would be inviting anyone over. Do you want me to tell him to leave? It's completely up to you?' Great. I don't mind that cal invited someone else over. It's their place, but I'm annoyed with myself how much it's panicked me. The thought of having to start a conversation with a stranger. Them asking normal questions that are harmless to others but are a make or break for me, and I can't just ignore them all night, that would be rude.

Rob looks nervous for my answer. There has been times in the past where this has happened and I thought I could handle it, but I always end up leaving early or just hiding away in the corner by myself to avoid any interaction with a stranger.
This only proves how pathetic I am and how right Chad was earlier. I am going to freak out and want to leave, I could never ask my brothers to make their friend leave, I'm not that brave.

Before I have a chance to speak, Rob has already jumped out of his seat and is power walking over to Callum who is still at the front door. I guess I froze? I didn't get an answer out in time. It's just me sat on Robs sofa frozen. The conversation goes to a whisper at the door, so I automatically know they're talking about me. My brothers are the two people for some reason my mind never assumes the worst from. If this was any other circumstance, with different people, I would most definitely think they were laughing about me behind my back. I don't like to think that about people, I'm just wired like this now.

After some more whispering coming from across the house, Rob comes back over to me. 'So hunny. Callum was hoping to invite his friend in for a bit if that's ok with you? If not, it's completely ok, we'll just say we're having a family night.'

'Sorry, Erm. Who is it? Have I met them before?' Sometimes if I've at least met the person once, it's a little easier for me to interact with them. I would never EVER start a conversation but I could at least be comfortable to answer some basic questions.

Rob takes my hands in his and shakes them a little. 'Hey, Brie it's ok. I don't think you've met him before, but, I think he's nice. Friendly. If at any point you want them to leave just tell me ok?' I can see in his bright blue eyes that this hurts him to see me like this. No brother wants to watch their sister have a panic attack over meeting a stranger.

M.A.DOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora