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'Rob? Can we do the thing?'


For as long as I can remember, so not very long but I've been told it's something we've been doing since I was a teenager. Whenever I've just needed to get out of the house, when the days have been just that little to dark for me to handle by myself. I would call up Rob and ask him and Callum to do 'the thing.'
It may sound stupid to others, that's why I've never mentioned it to anyone else. Not even Chad.

'Is everything ok Brie? What's happened?' Understandable, normally when I ask to do this I've had a wobble and need to clear my head, but today, it seems it's not me who needs it. It's Harry.

I dragged Harry by the hand outside of the bar and stepped away to speak on the phone.
'I'm ok, promise. Nothings happened. I'm at the bar with Harry, everything ok. I'm ok.....But I think Harry could do with a drive.' Rob knows exactly what I'm talking about and doesn't have to think twice before agreeing to come pick us up.

I'm not even sure Harry will enjoy this, but at least I've tried.
'So erm, Robs gonna come get us, I'd like to take you somewhere.... If that's ok with you?'
Harry's still smirking at me like he's enjoying every second of this and I'm glad. I didn't like seeing him down today. Hopefully this will make up for it.

'I'll go anywhere with you Jones.' His dimple pops out on one side of his cheek and I need to keep reminding myself to breath. How can someone be this stunning?

Feeling almost winded by him just standing so close, I want to close the gap between us but I just can't bring myself to be that forward. Instead I choose to stand side by side. Shoulders barely grassing each other's.

Not long after, I spot Robs car pulling up outside the bar along with Callum in the passenger seat. I hope Harry doesn't think this is weird, all four of us going somewhere together. He is Callum's friend after all so it shouldn't be to weird. I just feel the most relaxed when I'm with them.

'Get in losers, we're going shopping.' Harry turns to me, now very confused by what Robs on about. It's funny watching Harry be the confused one for once. We're definitely not going shopping, I couldn't think of anything worse really. We're going to one of my favourite places in town.

'Is this just your way of kidnapping me Jones? All that time you've been worried about me, when really this was your plan all along?' Harry's face is full of confusion and wonder of where in hell we could all be going, and why I needed them to drive us.

This is nice. I feel a lot more confident with people I know around. It's almost like my brain is allowing me to actually enjoy something for a change. Can't wait for that to come bite me in the ass.

Harry opens the car door and holds it open for me to get in. It's nothing crazy but it just makes me think about how little Chad did for me. I never wanted extravagant gifts or surprises, all I ever wanted was to be treated like his girlfriend. Silly little things like him opening my car door or buying me flowers, seeing Harry want to do these things without it being a big deal makes the butterflies in my stomach act like I've just drank coke and mentos.

'Onward brother to the great beyond!' Callum and Rob both laugh at my stupid dramatics and turn on the music.
After a few minutes of nothing but music filling the car, Harry turns to me still very confused on where we're going.

'Soo, are you going to tell me where we're going or not?' I can tell this isn't Harry's normal way of spending time with a girl. It's like he doesn't know what to do with himself because he's normally the one planning things. Fiddling with his rings, he's like a little lost lamb, bless him.

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