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'You wanna help each other out Jones?'

'Erm sure, I guess. What did you have in mind?'


Im sweating from places I didn't even know I could sweat from.

When I said we could help each other out, I was thinking more along the lines of being a blank page for each other to get all of our emotions out to, you know, that thing I've heard friends do for one another.

Harry, had other ideas. He didn't give me the option to disagree, which normally isn't uncommon for men to do to me, Chad loved to boss me around and make the plans but with Harry, this is different. I feel like this is less bossing, more directing.

So now we're here. At some bar I've never been to, waiting for him to return from getting our drinks.
Looking around the bar, I feel both at ease but like I got the wrong memo for the dress code. Everyone is either wearing jeans and band t's or something along them lines. Me? I'm wearing my disgusting work clothes, covered in dog hair and cleaning products. Very attractive. It wouldn't be classic me tho without looking like an idiot 24/7.

I'm unsure on what Harry is planning on tonight. Maybe this is to make up for the coffee date we never had. To be quite honest I am a little uncomfortable in a bar with a guy I don't really know, but I just have to remember. I can leave whenever I want, I don't have to do anything I don't want to and I'm aloud to have fun with a good looking guy, I'm single now. Chad doesn't have a say in what I do anymore. Don't get inside your head Brie, this is going to be fun.

'Hey day dreamer, where'd you go?' I hadn't noticed Harry had returned with our drinks and had sat down opposite me. He's looking at me like he's waiting for me to actually answer that with a destination in my head.

'Sorry, was just thinking about...whatever. So why'd you bring me here of all places?' I'm not trying to be rude, I just don't like bars in general anymore and if we're going to be friends, I don't think it's going to work out of this is his usual hangout.

He mustn't be able to hear me properly over the music playing, so, instead of him just scooting over his stool, he grabs the bottom of mine and pulls me closer, my legs slotting in between his. Breath Bree. It's ok, he just couldn't hear you.

He tilts his head to the side, to show he didn't catch what I said prior, his hand still lingering on the edge of my stool.

'Sorry, erm. I said, why here? Why did we come here?' He's still yet to speak to me, all I've had is small noises and head nods. We're back to mr Intimidating I guess.

He gives a slight smirk and wipes it away with his free hand. 'I eh- I like this place. I used to come here a lot but haven't been in a while. Is it ok?'
I mean, I guess. As long as he doesn't get drunk and leaves me stranded here like what Chad used to do. I guess it's ok. It's a lot more calm than the bar I saw him in, that night I had a melt down in the toilets.

'Yes. Yeah it's fine. I'm just not great in social settings, I'm ok tho.' I can't stop fidgeting with the hem of my top, it's hard for me to keep eye contact with anyone, let alone this guy.
He nods his head again. Probably coming up with something to talk to me about. He doesn't know anything about me, so really anything would be better than him staring into my soul with those pricing green eyes of his.

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