Twenty one

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'Are you sure you don't want me to come in Brie? I make some mean pancakes if I do say so myself.' It's now the next day and Harry has been finding anything and everything to keep him from leaving. I have work at nine and I need to get ready and hurry up, so I can't have any distractions. No matter how much I want them.

Standing in my door way, he's pouting like a child, arms crossed and everything. He's so cute.
'Harry you have no idea how much I want to just ditch work and stay cuddled up on the sofa with you, but I have to go and help Ash. He's only got me helping him.'
Now looking like I've just told him Santa isn't real, Harry looks like he's about to cry.

Oh Harry, don't. I don't think I have to the will power to refuse you begging.

'Please H. I'm gonna be so late, I'm sorry.' Finally accepting he has to leave, he leans in for one last kiss. It's soft and meaningful but filled with hungry and need to never let me go. It's nice, to be wanted so bad.

Quickly pulling away, probably knowing if he carries on this way he'll never leave. 'Ok! I'm going. But you better call me after this, I'm no slut, Jones.' He's always finding a way to make me smile. I can't help the goofy laugh I let out.

'By the moves you pulled last night, I beg to differ Styles.' Both of us look like giddy stupid teenagers making out on my front step. Still holding my hand, he starts backing up down my steps.

He finally lets go off my hand and fixes his curls. 'There's a lot more where that came from darling.' Throwing me a wicked wink, Harry starts heading down my road. I have another come back but I'm not sure if he'd think I'm dragging this good bye out. Oh screw it, I'm gonna say it. Or well, shout it with how far he's already walked off.

'Don't make promises unless you're going to follow through Styles, I'll be expecting high level of routinely performances to make sure this wasn't just a fluke.' I'm trying not to show how much he makes me want to smile, chewing the corner of my cheek like I've seen him do.

I can tell he's loving this conversation as much as me right now. He's doing everything possible to stay talking to me but it's not gonna happen. 'Come on, get out of here you dirty stop out. Go, cuddle some puppies and think of things besides sex.' He does really need head back home now. It's getting really late.

'All right, all right. I'll text you later?' Still standing a few feet away from my house, he eventually starts walking up the street. 'See ya Jonesy!' Shouting pretty bloody loudly, the whole street must have heard him. Oh my god, what am I doing?


With the time ticking on, I'm now rushing around my house throwing on my clothes. Feeding Mumford and giving him as many kisses in between as I can. I feel like I've kind of neglected his the past few weeks and I feel awful. 'I promise spud, tonight me, you and a movie yeah? I'll even whip out a new toy from the cupboard!' He continues to circle my feet despite me almost tripping over multiple times. The sound of my letter box flap being opened, I must have forgotten something in his car.

'What did I forget Harry? My phone or-?' When I get to the door and look through the peep hole, there's no one there. That's weird? To make sure, I open the door and step outside again to have a quick look around. Nothing ..... wait, what's that?

Resting on a plant pot next to my front door is an envelope. A normal looking white letter. It could be anything, my post that the post man couldn't fit through the letter box. 'What is this?' There's no writing on the letter or posting address so it wasn't by the post man. Someone came here to give me this.

Opening it up, it's full that much I can hardly get whatever it is out. 'Jesus is there a movie script in here or what.' Pulling it out, I see it's not words on the paper, but photo. Photos of- IS THAT ME?! Suddenly feeling very watched, I quickly step back inside the house, unsure of who could be watching me right now.

'Oh my god, what is this!' My hands are now shaking making it difficult to even see the pictures clearly. Throwing them one by one to the floor, there must be hundreds here. All of me coming and going in my house, at work, with Ash and so many of me and Harry. Each picture getting worse than the last, more personal, more close up until- 'oh my god, no this can't be happening!'

The very last picture is of Harry and I from outside of his bedroom window. I think I'm going to be sick. Slightly blurry but still very easy to see, it's a photo of me and Harry having sex, well him performing sexual acts to me but fucking STILL! This can't be happening. Who the fuck would do something like this! But hold on, on the back of each picture, there's numbers going from one to thirty. Jesus! 'Twenty seven, twenty eight..... thirty.' Where the fuck is number twenty nine!

Unable to stay standing, my head is booming. Shocks of sweat is pouring out of me and my vision is going blurry. No, not now breath Brie! Breath. Nothing I do is calming me down. The thought of someone watching us like that is making me feel sick. No I am really about to be sick.

I run into the kitchen as fast as I can, that being the closest thing to me. Luckily, I'd done the dishes the day before so nothing was in the sink when I emptied the contents of my stomach in it.

This can't be happening. Who would do this. What am I saying. the only person I know for sure would do something like this is Chad. That piece of shit is probably laughing at me right now knowing how much this is going to mess with me. Who knows what he's doing with that missing photo.

I try my hardest not to cry. I'm sick of crying. I feel so week when I cry. But that's not enough to stop my body from opening the floodgates. That familiar stinging feeling comes back in the corners of my eyes, the shocking sensation in the back of my throat and the ringing in my ears. Feeling a panic attack building, I just have to accept I'm not going to make it to work today.

How could I let this happen.

Feeling the complete opposite of how I woke up this morning, I just want to go to bed and cry myself to sleep.

I was stupid to think I could get a happy ending.


I feel so bad for not letting Brie just be happy for once 😄 but I never said this was a happy book. Also when I said Harry was pouting, this isn't how I pictured him but I still think it's funny. 😂 E x

 😂 E x

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