Seventeen - part two

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This is probably my longest chapter yet, so buckle up!

This is probably my longest chapter yet, so buckle up!

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Harry's car is something out of a James Bond movie. Silver bullet. He's taking the scenic rout into town, avoiding going to fast to not ruin our hair. Every so often I'll catch him looking over at me, eyes blown out, I can hardly see any green. It's nice, it's like he can't get enough of me and I'm the same with him.

'Eyes on the road, Mr.' I give his a half smile and point ahead of us. It's clear he isn't hiding his infatuation for me right now. I don't know what he could possibly see that's so eye catching, I mean I know what I'm wearing is amazing, but not me.

His tongue pokes out his mouth. Lapping over his bottom lip to which he takes between his teeth, popping his dimple, grinning to himself. Fuck.
'I'm not doing anything Ms. Jones.' He positions himself more comfortably in his seat, evident he's struggling with something. Flicking my eyes down to my right, I catch a glimpse of what's coursing him so much discomfort.
Is he hard right now?! If this were anyone else, I would definitely be panicking right now. I'd be thinking, he only wants to sleep with you tonight that's it. And by the look of him right now, that wouldn't be far from the truth. But it is Harry. In no way since I've known him has he made me feel sexually uncomfortable.

Breath Brie. You're ok. It's Harry.

The drive to the restaurant was smooth and quick. Pulling up to valet, I've never had this done before. Two men in smart black suites come along side of mine and Harry's doors, opening them for us. 'Ma'am.' The one guy to my right opens my door and offers me his hand. Having never done this before, I awkwardly take his hand and climb out of the car.

This isn't real. I must be dreaming.

In a blink of an eye, Harry materialised beside me. Hooking his arm out for me to link with. A little shaky on my feel, I'm riddled with nerves. They've made their way back to me. I need a drink and fast.

Small fond looks are exchanged between Harry and I, I can't help looking at his soft cherry lips and wonder what they'd taste like. They slowly pull into a smirk and are moving. Brie he's talking to you.
'Hm sorry, what was that?' I keep getting lost in him. It's hard not to.

He laughs through his nose and speaks ago. 'I said, es-tu prête, ma belle?' Again with the french. Is he expecting me to know what the heck that means. As if he can read my mind, he explains.

'It means, are you ready. Well- really I said, are you ready my beautiful?' His emerald eyes never leave my blue ones. Like looking into my soul.

'Erm yes. Yes I'm ready- shall we?' I nod my head towards the front door. I can't even look at him, he's to beautiful.
He laughs slightly to himself, knowing full well what he's doing to me. Together we head inside.

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